[A day after healing the raven's wing in
http://community.livejournal.com/solacelogs/86412.html, Hanatarou is back to sitting in that clearing, that now looks like a field full of flowers, the most of them all around him. The Raven that he healed sitting in the tree above him.]
Solace, gets weirder and weirder every day. First, everyone I pass either starts acting like Knights or like something out of those horror movies that Rukia and Ichigo watch. Now, everywhere I walk and everything I touch starts sprouting flowers. None of it makes sense. Not to mention this collar that suppresses my spiritual energy. I didn't have much to begin with, and now I have to fight to use any healing kido. Now, there is a battle that will be happening! I just got done with a war and now I'm in another one...when will it stop being so crazy? Captain Kurotsuchi would have a wonderful time in this place. It's about as crazy as he is.