Almost like Cinderella. The moment the clock strikes midnight, all the fairy tale curses of the past week vanish. And now we're jumping into an entirely different direction, while following the story cliches of old. What's opposite of princesses, singing birds, and blooming romance? Well ...
Oh dear.
You wake up one morning and suddenly find yourself drawn into some form of horror cliche or otherwise dark and dreary tale. Perhaps you find a machete and a hockey mask at the foot of your bed and you decide to make use of it. Maybe you suddenly find yourself trapped in a frightening old mansion trying to eat you. Or maybe SPOILER it's all in your head.
If anything can be classified as a story that made someone somewhere in the world go "oO; woahgeez," it counts as a horror genre. Horror films, games, and any sort of dark tale you can reference can work for this event, the same as the fairy tales from last week.
Should you find yourself stuck with making a decison, feel free to comment here with your best (゚Д゚|||) face and a mod will assign you something freaky.
This affects all you OC darlings out there, too. Even normal city residents and Avatican soldiers find themselves drawn in by this event. How peculiar.
Note: Should you find yourself a victim of a terrible blood-spurty death, do not fear! ... pun. Give yourself 24 hours, and you'll be brought back via another horror cliche - the undead. Yep. You're a zombie. Whether you're an Evil Dead!Zombie or a 28 Days Later!Zombie is entirely up to you. And you'll stay like that until the week's events come to a close. Braaains etc.
Oh. And do watch out for
this fellow suddenly roaming about the streets.
It's quite chilly this week, the whole city suddenly overcome by an
eerie, thick fog.
If you're new to the game or are just otherwise lost, come on down and bother us modly folk. We'll catch you right up to speed. If we're unavailable right away, do check out entries under the
mighty tag of modly might for a refresher, and we'll be along as soon as we can to answer any questions.