The Rule of Law

Aug 09, 2012 22:00

20. The Rule of Law - Tom Bingham, 2010 (first-time reading)
   I really enjoyed this. It's less overtly political and more general than Just Law, but it's such a great book and I can understand why it's, like, required reading for aspiring law students. Reading it, every page and every chapter about what the law does and why the law has to do that and why it's so absolutely crucial that it's there to do it, made me think: this is why. This is why I want to be a lawyer. It was all articulated right there for me.
   I also really enjoyed the historical section, about the development of the rule of law in Britain. Really fascinating and I think it gave me a really good incredibly-basic basis to work on when I'm reading up a bit more about history of law and so on.

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