
May 21, 2012 11:28

7. Kraken - China Miéville, 2010
I read this when I was on holiday last year and enjoyed it, and shortly afterwards was thrown, with the advent of my AS English course, into a world where to be prepared for my exam I had to spend the preceding year reading the maximum possible amount of twentieth-century-minority-rights-literature possible and anything else was an irrelevant waste of time. To celebrate having taken the exam and being allowed to read whatever I want, I went for Kraken. It's complicated enough, and fun enough, to be worth rereading, and I miss that kind of urban fantasy that I used to read all the time and recently haven't at all. So this was great fun, really. I wish Grisamentum had more screen time, though. It leaves you a little disappointed when the coolest and most intriguing character is so little explored.

100 books

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