(no subject)

Dec 21, 2015 19:13

In light of some recent "[username] has added you as a friend" notifications I've been receiving, I would like to take this opportunity to remind those of you who are not mutual friends, that this journal is Friends Only. You somehow managed to miss the post explaining this, so let me reiterate what this means:

- There are some weird people in this world. Some of them are awesomely weird. Some of them are not.
- I don't want random people I've never spoken to friending me out of the blue for no reason. This tends to feel like the not-so-awesome kind of weird.
- If you have some connection to me (even just a mutual friend or caught one of my posts on a community), let me know and maybe we can be friends.

If we're not mutual friends and I haven't given you permission to stalk my blog, please do one of two things:

- De-friend me
- Let me know who you are, how you found me, and why you're here.

That is all.

friends only

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