
Oct 30, 2007 01:44

As I walk the streets at night to clear my head
I see the trees, and I think of you
I recall the time we spent together
How we abruptly collided
And slowly tumbled across the days
I remember the streets hand in hand
The coffee and the cigarettes we shared
I feel the kisses and that morning
When for the longest time
Neither of us could break away and climb out of bed
The last afternoon we spent in the park
Laying in the grass that was too green
Looking up at the changing leaves against the sky
The sky that was too blue
And I recall how stable you are
Even though you have enough reasons not to be
The last meal and how hard it was
To imagine a day without looking at you
The last walk to the metro
To send you away to Portugal
The last cigarette, and how I didn’t want it to end
Because I knew how hard it would be to look at you
And to give you one last kiss
I feel bitter because you are worth it
And that you will always be too far away
You will only be in my memory
Forever in the past tense
Deep down I have always known that I am most fond of fall
And now when I see it
All I do is think of you
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