What is your name? caitlin
What do most people call you by? cait
How old are you? 15
How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?)200-105
Describe yourself in 5 words. giggly, immature, weird, picky, mean
What are your worst qualities? according to the all holy birthday book i'm: flighty, unstable, and sexually obsessed (?!?!)
What are your best qualities? i'm kind and sarcastic.
How long does it take you get ready in the morning? ten minutes. i need my sleep man.
Do you dream at night? yes
Do you remember your dreams? sometimes
Describe one. um in my one from last night, i was wearing pink fleece sweatpants, and my mom and dad were telling me this scary story about goblins and all of a sudden this scary beeping sound went off and i saw that my dad had stolen a portable dvd player from jeff.
What time do you go to bed usually? 11 or 12
What time do you wake up normally? 6:50
What time do you wake on weekends? late
do you sleep with one pillow or two? two
Do you like school? no
Why/why not? because it's school
Most hated subject? math and chem
Do you have a fave teacher? no
Ever had a crush on a teacher? nope
Are you a math/science person or an english/drama person? english
Do you have heaps of friends? no i have morsels.
Do you have a best friend? yes
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? equal
Do you ever get annoyed at any friend? sometimes
Have you ever lied to a friend? not majorly
Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend? no.
Do you like your parents? most of the time
Ever run away from home? when i was a little, but i really only went like up the street.
Ever thought about it? running away? no.
Do you have any siblings? no
If so, do you like or get annoyed with them?
How old are they?
If not, do you mind being an only child? nope
Do you feel your parents spoil you? yes
Do you not get along with any of your family? we get along just fine.
Do you have big family get togethers ever? nope
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? um i really do not know.
If so, are you in love with them? i was
Do they love you? i'm not sure
How long have you been together? two years
Most romantic thing theyve ever done for you? i cannot be remembering things right now. it might deter me.
Do you have a crush? no
If so, are you in love? i don't know anymore.
Do they know you like them? yes
How long have you liked them? um
Is your crush/relationship serious? it was
Ever done something stupid to impress them? i'm goofy.
Do u find it romantic or hurtful? romantic
Even know what it is? yes
Ever had sex? yes
Believe that a person shouldnt have sex before marriage? whatever floats your boat
Believe in casual sex? i dont think so
When do you plan/when did you lose your virginity? last month
Did you regret it? no
Do you have a religion? yes
Do you practice it i.e go to church? i don't go to synagogue that much.
Do you believe in God? no
Jesus? no
Satan? no
Heaven? not sure
Hell? not sure
Does death scare you? yes
Have you ever been drunk? yes
Taken drugs? pot
Stolen? no
Shoplifted? no
Tried to commit suicide? no
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? you know what ... i really don't think so.
Gotten into a fight? yes
Are you more innocent or guilty? what?
Would you date a drug addict? i'd have to pass
Have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict? nope
Are you racist? no
Are you discriminatory to anyone? nope
Have you been a hypocrite in the past? yes
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? open
Do you watch tons of tv? not as much as i used to
How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months? 6 ot 7?
Do you listen to the radio often? no
Do you read the newspaper? a bit
Do you read magazines? yes
Are you a couch potato? no
Do you use the internet too much? yup
Whats your fave style of music? indie, alternative, acoustic, rock, emo
Do you play an instrument? no
Do you sing? in the shower
Whats your fave band? death cab, coldplay, alkaline trio, bright eyes, mae, pinback, braid
Name 5 cds that youve bought in that last year: outkast, dave matthews, pete yorn, jason mraz, john mayer
Are you funny or serious? funny
Creative or not? creative
Are you outgoing or shy? outgoing
Are you happy with the way you look? sometimes
What would you change? my nose
Do you wear makeup regularly? not everyday
What color is your hair? brown with fake blonde
Do you have a job? no
Do you like it?
Are you a saver or a spender? spender
Do you work hard or slack off? slack off
Have you ever been fired? never had a job
In trouble at work?
Made a major mistake? yep
Ever had money stolen from you? not by a real criminal
Are you always broke? i'm either very broke or very rich.
~Embarassing Moments~
Your all time most embarassing moment? i've gone into men's room many times.
Ever snorted drink out your nose? i think once
Ever giggled like an idiot? yep
Ever embarassed yourself and pretended nothing happened? yup
Ever embarressed yourself in front of someone you liked? i dont like anyone.
Ever said something really stupid? yes
Ever snorted while laughing? eh, not a big snorter
Ever fallen off a bed? yes
Ever sleepwalked? yeah
Ever sleeptalked? yup
Ever had funny thoughts and laughed and no one understood you? all the time.
What do you think about most of the time? jeffrey, death cab, and urban outfitters.
Does your mind go blank a lot? yes
What did you think of this survey? you should go into business.