there are people who would give their eyeteeth to be groped by me.

Aug 07, 2009 22:20

My last post deleted itself somehow ... ?

But anyway,  I'm rereading Shoebox again and I can't believe that I forgot exactly how genuinely, heart-warmingly, face-punchingly, butterflies-in-your-stomachly lovely it is. Just makes me so happy. And makes me wish I was a better writer, alas.

Also, this was an excuse to use my new AVPM icon and ogle Darren/Harry, who is very cute and he could give me a wreath any time. Hahahah.

Lastly, LJ, LET MY NOTIFICATIONS GOOOOO. Please. *tear* I miss them. I am lost without them.

Tell me, dear flist, what do you think of my hair?

  BEFORE                                                                          AFTER


Okay, that first picture is from February (I'm wearing my courtwarming dress from the courtwarming dance that I didn't go to, plus I'm paaaale), but it was the only one I could find that a) didn't make me look really scary and b) showed how long my hair was.

i am a shut in, things that are good, general insanity, i'm a whiny bitch, hilarity, harry potter

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