So, about that.

Sep 11, 2008 20:26

I accidentally joined the Harry Potter club at school today. Flaker dragged me there. Not really, but it's less embarrassing than saying I giggled from the AP room to the atrium and took the "house quiz" so that I will be put in Gryffindor.

I had to watch Telemundo for part of my Spanish homework tonight and I ended up watching this crazy dating-type game show called "12 Corazones" ("corazon" means "heart," btw) and I didn't really know what was going on but it was hilarious. The host (la anfitriona) should have been wearing a longer dress however if she was going to do that much Charo-influenced coochi-coochi-coochi dancing.

Tomorrow is Blood Day. Or, at least, that's what I will be calling it.

I almost forgot. Kelsey got a flat tire on the way to the Food Bank on Wednesday. Madness! We had to pull over in the driveway of one of the sororities and wait for her dad to get there because I only had the vaguest idea of how to change a tire. Kelsey and Morgan weren't sure what a jack was but when I pulled the tire iron out of the trunk, Kelsey said, "Oh my god, I know what that is. That's what they killed Jack with in Brokeback Mountain!"

fail, hilarity, skool, madness, harry potter

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