Sep 05, 2008 18:23
Today was unexpectedly hilarious. Art had a fire drill which was cold and strange but Hannah and I unwrapped the emo and were, basically, hysterical.
Math was actually cool today. There was the world's greatest "if-then" statement ("If your name is Kyle, then you suck. Therefore, Kyle sucks." Which is funnier if you are in my class and know the pasty, annoying sophomore that it's about, but still, yeah). Then the Aqua Man discussion which concluded with exclamations about Batman Begins and how much it rocks and finally, how absolutely gorgeous Christian Bale is. And the math teacher who can't tell time/do math.
Flaker and I went to the mall after school and witnessed a Mall Fight, something previously unheard of. It was kind of AWESOME. I should not condone violence, but it sort of kicked ass. A girl got maced for hitting the Mountie Mall Cop (I felt bad for her though, that is horrible) and we couldn't breathe forever because it was all in our throats and everything. Insanity.
I nearly died of awkwardness in first hour when Coach KK/Kirbz told us a story about a girl he went to college with who said he was "sex on a stick." Eww, Coach KK. Please.
christian sexypants bale