I'm not a writer, I just lurk a lot.

Nov 27, 2010 17:09

This is my post to (try) to demonstrate that this is not a dead journal, or a sockpuppet. I used to write in fandom, starting way back in usenet groups and fanzines (oh, xf, how you broke me, how embarrassing the fic I wrote for you!) Now my writing mojo is directed toward work. I just lurk and comment.

Maybe someday I'll write again.

In the mean time, my current fannish obsession is SPN (Castiel!!!), I'm dabbling in Sherlock (I love a good sociopath), and I can't seem to let go of SGA, though I don't do much reading there anymore.

I'm a recovering academic (modernist American poetry - H.D., Moore, Williams, Stein - if anyone's actually interested), bi-polar, and damn grateful for my meds; I love kitties, knitting, and baking, which makes me sound like an old lady.

I friend request authors that I love, but I apologize if I'm not all that chatty.

Fandom is my happy place.

me, fandom, being a hermit

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