ShinRa Training Room - SOLDIER Level

Jul 04, 2010 23:25

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Sephiroth headed up to the SOLDIER floor and for the training center in the middle of the Tower. The engineers of Room 49 were still busy with repairs, so he bypassed that one for the moment, opting to enter the more locally used center. He chose one of the hefty training katanas from the rack in the corner and stepped to the middle of the practice area, slowly going through several sets of graceful warm ups, steel and muscle moving in perfect synchrony.

Forty five minutes of extensive stretching and he was starting to sweat. The General frowned. Hm, not good. Pausing, oblivious to the audience - a few other SOLDIERs lounging around the gym after their workouts - he shrugged off his long coat and resumed work, putting a bit more snap into his movements, feeling the blood starting to pound through his veins. Shiva, but he wished the holigraphics were working! He really needed to eviscerate something. The obstacle course he'd perfected when he was twelve, the sparring drones when he was fifteen - there was a thought.

Propping the training blade on his left shoulder, he went to the control box on the wall and tapped in a few codes. Machinery began to hum and by the time Sephiroth returned to the his practice space, ten large, bulky, lethal drones had materialized and were now humming dangerously, electricity crackling from their circuit ends, blades whirring as they spun on mechanical arms and the sickening spick-buzz! of thousand watt shock tips echoing through the room. Sephiroth just smiled tightly and set his stance a mere second before charging forward into the melee.

He loathed to admit it, but he loved it. The clean crisp snap of sinew over bone, the flow of muscle and tendon, it was perfection incarnate. Shin-Ra had done its work well; engineered the perfect SOLDIER. Sephiroth leapt, dodged, parried, sliced, thrust, and never once did any of the drones touch him. He avoided their whip-quick attacks with astonishing ease, a mere flash of silver here and there. MAKO green eyes glowed brightly, focused and concentrated on naught but the battle, the fight before him.

Two drones lay sparking in less than three breathless minutes. Four more by six minutes. The remaining four drones - adjusting to their target's capabilities - went into massive overdrive, their engines screaming as they shot forth, their strikes mere blurs to naked human eyes. From the middle of the tight circle, Sephiroth suddenly leapt towards the ceiling, a deep cyan aura emanating from the General.

The SOLDIERs watching suddenly gasped and hustled to find some sort of cover, one of them snagging another by the collar and dragging him behind one of the triple plated observation windows.

"Bastard's actually gonna limit in here," he muttered to his companions, grimacing. "Fuck, he'll level the Shiva-damned building."

In the ring, Sephiroth - still in midair - narrowed his eyes and suddenly lashed out with a powerful eight-strike attack, followed by the final strike which sent a wave of green energy slicing towards the reeling drones. The backlash of that wave as it hit resounded with the force of a sonic boom, shattering all glass in its radius, toppling and tossing everything not anchored to the floor.

The drones were obliterated; Sephiroth gently alighting in the middle of the wreckage, a strange smile still hovering on his lips.

{what} log, {who} a_general_chaos

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