Holy crap more shirts!

Jul 05, 2014 11:07

Please excuse this super short post, I'm in Minnesota for ConVergence!

Back in April my two City shirts were featured on Unamee.com, and they asked for me to do several more for a weekly album. Somehow I managed to fill that order and they're being featured now thru the 10th! Just as before they start at $11 and go to size 5x.

http://www.unamee.com (thru the 10th!)

Also thru August I'm featuring those designs, variants and stickers etc on my Redbubble site. I have more to add when I return home, like single archetype and alignments.

So in addition to the hero and vilsin designs there are seven new ones including:


(Nemesis the Original Brony is my favorite.)
Also, apologies again because I'm only on a phone for this.)

And I'm tickled because Matt "Positron" Miller has seen and remarked on the Brony shirt.


Use code 04JUL2014 for 15% off at Redbubble!
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