News updates from the Save COH front

Sep 19, 2012 08:20 is now up and running!

Latest Call to Action: Stay In Touch, from Titan's TonyV on the Official Forums...

"Hey all, as probably most of you know, I'm one of the administrators at the Titan Network. This post might come off as a little self-serving, but the fact is that this web site and these forums are owned by NCsoft, run on NCsoft equipment, maintained by NCsoft (referring to the back-end, not front-end moderation), and paid for by NCsoft. As such, it's simply inevitable that along with the game, they are going to be sunset--possibly sooner rather than later.

The practical situation is that whatever happens, we need a way to keep in touch if all of a sudden the site goes dark. (Been to Tabula Rasa's old home page lately?) Please don't take away from this that I know something is imminent; I don't. They could be up for months. But they could also be shut down any minute.

Accordingly, you need to bookmark at least these three sites:
Titan Network forums: Once these forums go dark, this will probably be the primary hub of discussion among the player base. We'll be posting news and information as we have it, as well as asking opinions and engaging in discussions on our next steps in keeping City of Heroes alive. You can register and account on our home page.
Save City of Heroes and CoH Alumni: A couple of Facebook groups set up for players to connect to each other, post stuff for public consumption, and keep in touch. I know that there are more groups, and at some point we'll probably put a page up dedicated to links to those groups, but those are the two main ones I've been monitoring and posting on.
@TheTitanNetwork (Twitter): The Titan Network's Twitter feed. Eabrace is doing an awesome job maintaining this. Truth be told, he's doing a lot better job of keeping up with the latest and greatest of everything than I could possibly hope to. You'd do well to add it to your usual rounds of browsing for news and info.

Hopefully at some point we'll all be able to kick back and laugh at that time that we thought the forums might go down. Realistically, I think it's not a matter of if it happens, but when. I just don't want people to be left out in the dark. If they do go down, please be sure you publicize to everyone where they can go to contact us and get the latest (or as much of the latest as we know)."

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