
Sep 03, 2012 10:21

I know each of us deals with grief in their own way, and while intellectually I knew City wouldn't be around for ever on a certain level I always thought it would be. An old friend that never left us, even if we didn't give it the time it deserved. And, as with others, during my WoW break, and my general blahs about the game I never let my subscription die, in fact I have bought year long subscriptions for the past 3 or 4 years just to make sure it doesn't.

But regardless of whether we are ~8 year vets who thought the game would never end, or have just started since FtP one thing everyone in this community shares is a strong love of the game and a desire to not see it die.

I love the outpouring of emotion this community, the Titan Network, and the Boards are giving both the Dev's and the game itself. City has oft been spoken of has having one of the strongest and most surprisingly dedicated communities in the gaming industry, and we have certainly showed that over these past few days.


Yesterday was Pentacle Sunday and I have to say, I was disappointed. So few of the regulars this round showed up. Indeed, as I have been in and out of City the past few days I have noticed some people who haven't been around in a while show up and lots of others, regulars and quasi-regulars who aren't around when I would expect them to be. I know each of us deal with grief in their own way, but the simple truth is a game is built to be played and if we really want to memorialize City then log in. Play the game.

community, people stuff

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