Black Scorpion
posted a clarification about the nature of the AoE buff change.
Hey all, I have some details about some of the powers changes for I20 Incarnates Ascend which were "below the fold" of the main announcement:
Along with Incarnates Ascend we are introducing a means for players to flag themselves as whether or not they want to be movement-affected by some of the click buffs which can be cast by others on them (like Speed Boost). The rest of the power will take effect, but the movement-affecting (run, jump, flight) part will be ignored if you so desire. This is going to affect Speed Boost, Increase Density, Inertial Reduction, Enforced Morale, and Accelerate Metabolism (based on my current list).
The same means will allow players to set a preference for Mystic Fortune to Always Ask, Always Accept or Always Deny.
The endurance cost for Mastermind upgrade powers is also being decreased to fit more in line with these changes.
Lastly, there is a subtlety to the Increase Density conversion to an AOE buff which the summary didn’t quite capture. The damage resistance component of the power is being made AOE-affecting, but the status effect protection component is going to still be single-target. The single target click powers which give status effect protection such as Clear Mind were not going to be made AOE wide (for balance purposes), but Increase Density having both facets makes it unique in this case. We are trying to split that difference with our approach.
As always, thank you for your feedback and concerns.
Your bud in the high-powered armor,
Black Scorpion
(emphasis mine)