Live from HeroCon

Oct 24, 2009 11:05

Opening address and Going Rogue preview.

Upcoming guest authors for AE: Mercedes Lackey and Troy Hickman.

Preview of Going Rogue: phenomenal! New graphics settings "Ultra Mode" puts things like shadows and more realistic looking city settings.
Preview of dual pistols was amazing. Think John Woo action flick with lots of movement and tricks. Dual pistols avail for blaster primary, corruptor primary, and Def secondary.
Going Rogue will be a transitional storyline that your character goes through.
New zones in Praetoria look amazing. New start area and new tutorial too!

Totally awesome!

-Hot Mamma

praetoria, archetype: defender, archetype: blaster, developer comments, issue 18: going rogue/shades of grey, mission architect, hero con, meet and greet

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