SO I HIT FIFTY. It is my third fifty. But my first honest one!
It goes like this: My defender fifty got over twenty of her levels working as an empath on farms. I don't know how this even happened. I'd be trying to find a team in Talos and suddenly I'd get multiple tells asking me to come heal on their farm. Even though she was say, level twenty two. This has never happened on any of my other empaths. Just Riley Grimm and only Riley Grimm constantly. So that's one fifty.
The other one, my tank Geothunder, I inherited at level thirty something. He used to be my cousin's back when my cousin played on my account. I'm not sure how much Geothunder doesn't count, because at the time I'd had a level thirty three stone tanker I completely abandoned for him.
Now I have my blaster, Benedict Jones. He's had a long career. He used to be named Riley Galmod, for starters. Riley Grimm was meant to be another version of him, that somehow turned into a girl with her own backstory when I made her.
He was the second character I ever made. I ignored him mostly, until I wanted to play more with my sister so we partnered up him and her dark/dark scrapper. They made it to twenty four before my sister vowed she would never play her scrapper again because it was the crappiest character ever. It's true. It's like it feeds on debt.
So I let him rot for a while, changing his name to Benedict Jones at some point because I didn't want two Rileys and I had two other Jones and thought they needed a brother. He got a backstory. He got art done of him by Uziel.
I started to really miss him and said to my friend one day 'make me a tank so I can play my blaster more effectively'. Within days he had a tank the right level for me to play with (sometimes getting ahead of me) and it turned out Benedict Jones was actually a very very effective blaster. Sonic/Fire. I rec it.
Anyway, now he's fifty which happened on a PuG Sara Moore taskforce that was actually lots of fun until my connection died and I couldn't ever come back and oh god I hate the world and wow I talked a lot in this post.
Short version: No farming, no inheriting, did it on a Sara Moore PuG tf which is not a horror story. Somehow got the badge for it despite disconnecting on second last mission and never managing to come back.
Then I decided to celebrate my new fifty with a new character.
Xuan Xuan, the helpful spirit panda. I have no idea what her entire deal yet is, except she's magic, she's probably not actually a panda, and she once helped out a little girl before becoming a hero.
She's sonic/sonic and her name with the proper accents over the letters can mean noisy. I am probably fucking up a verb somewhere. Or tense. Something.