BackStories Query.

Jul 10, 2008 22:13

Been thinking lately with my ever increasing interest in CoX that I might get a bit more involved with my characters and their backstories.

Now I'm no literary genius but I have an imagination that scares me. It produces monsters, villains, heroes, warriors, spacecrafts, planets and whole races to colonize them! I'm meant to have Aspergers for christ sake, we aren't meant to have an imagination or so I've been told.

Anyway I was wondering if you kind wonderful intelligent people would be willing to help by being proof readers to my characters ramblings. Tell me what should be added and what to take away. It would be a great help. I have the imagination, my head explodes with it and I have serious trouble getting thought to paper, which frustrates me.

So would you, pretty pretty please??

character introduction, bios

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