Say I was going to start a weekly City of Heroes Internet talk radio podcast program-a program that people could call into and participate live via Voice Over IP or regular phone, like
the ones I already do for Robotech and book stuff.
What would be the best weekday and time of day for it, from a standpoint of you (and you, and you, and yes, even you) to be able to participate?
I would not be averse to doing two shows per week, if there was enough interest. I figure there would be a lot of stuff to talk about. Discussing tips, tricks, strategies, annoyances, new stuff coming with I9, old stuff that's gone away that we're nostalgic for, roleplaying, art…and that's not even counting the possibility of interviews down the road once the show's settled in.
I'm hopeful the show could draw all sorts of CoH'ers, not just LJ'ers, but I figured I'd ask here to start out because it's a close-knit enough community that people mostly know each other, and it's always fun to speak voice to voice to people you've only chatted in text with before.