[Accidental Mirror]

Jul 29, 2009 01:31

*Roy is seated at a modest desk in a small modest room, writing over a notebook of some sort, his left hand resting his head in a familiar pose he used to take at his desk when he 'worked' on every day papers. Roy pulled his body up from its writing position and stretched his back along the chair frame, his arms above his head, clasped for full stretching effect. Soon he set the pen down and raised his eyebrow toward the glowing screen* You again....with your interesting lights and odd little sounds. Another instrument of interesting torture in this equally interesting purgatory hm? *He smirked. Once he had even sworn he'd heard the shrimp's voice pipe up once in a while during the week that he had been trying to scrape together some semblance of life here. He turned the chair toward the apparatus, his elbow once again resting against the desk, and his cheek leaned into the upraised hand, this was the first time he had left it open*

(( Ooc: :D Finally home~!
T___T I'm so sad that I saw Havoc dropped, *flop~*, bring back my Lieutenant! LOL. Feel free to break in the N00b regardless of fandom. I'm pretty friendly, and I have to learn sometime. Trial by fire seems fitting enough for someone trying on Mustangs shoes for size! ))

gale, roy mustang

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