❦ FOURTH PAGE ❦ Hermione :: Sprint

Apr 10, 2011 19:12

[Hermione had never been much for cross country but she made a point to defend herself when needed. She was running as the feed turned on, running through the debris of one of the outer regions, hopping over boulders and hiding behind old abandoned cars. By the angle of the recording, there was quite a swarm after Hermione. She just had enough time ( Read more... )

[au] hermione granger

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hunter_returns April 11 2011, 16:20:30 UTC
[Sam doesn't bother asking, he simply starts grabbing his gear and hits the door running.]

Leave your comm on, I'll track you with it.


knowledgephilia April 11 2011, 20:44:11 UTC
Track me? [Well, she's not going to bother telling him to not come. She had enough with Dean to put up with a second Winchester.]

They keep coming. I do hope you're careful, Sam.


hunter_returns April 11 2011, 22:10:54 UTC
[While Sam's still not completely familiar with the city, he's still a damn good tracker and the tablet is helping him home in on where Hermione is hiding out.]

[Sam rounds a corner, out of breath with a heavy length of pipe held loosely in one hand. As a swarm of robots close in on him, he drops his shoulder and swings, throwing his weight behind the blow. Each robot drops in a pile of cracked casings and frazzeld circuts.]

Hermione? Where are you?


knowledgephilia April 11 2011, 22:46:24 UTC
I seem to be somewhere in the outer ring.

[And she realizes that he has.... a stick.]

Sam, of course! You have no weapons, you shouldn't leave your home! I intend on heading that way myself.


hunter_returns April 12 2011, 01:57:54 UTC
[Sam fixes her with an affectionate, if somewhat exasperated look and pulls a pistol from the shoulder rigging he wore beneath his jacket. He'd been doing this a hell of a long time.]

Easier to swing and take them out than waste bullets.

[He cast an uneasy glance down the alley and gently placed his hand on her back, guiding her towards the shadows.]

Come on, I know a shortcut.


knowledgephilia April 12 2011, 02:38:22 UTC
[Although she should be used to guns and all that jazz, it leaves her uncomfortable still. Regardless, this was not the place to bicker about Sam's safety. She nodded and began heading the way he led.]

They came so abruptly. I'm sorry you had to come all this way. You shouldn't have.

[And she brought her wand out and made the tip of illuminate the alley. Considering how destroyed the outer ring was, the last thing they needed was tripping over something dangerous.]


hunter_returns April 12 2011, 03:08:35 UTC
[Sam shook his head and cupped the tip of her wand with his palm.]

Keep the light low, we don't want to draw any more attention this way. And of course I was gonna come. It's what me and Dean do.

[He looked over his shoulder at her, quirking a small smile] Besides, that's what friends do for each other.


knowledgephilia April 12 2011, 13:16:59 UTC
Right, right. I will dim it.

[That comment made a small giggle escape her throat before turning to look at Sam. Now the tip of her want was very mildly lit, almost nothing. It was just enough to make the outline of most odd things on the floor.]

The only reason Dean isn't coming is because I promised him the second I saw him I would be hitting him with a very thick book for his poor manners.


hunter_returns April 13 2011, 01:25:22 UTC
[Sam smothered a chuckle as he slowly rounded a corner, his gun held easily in one hand, pointed down and away from them.]

I think that's the only way he'll get in contact with a heavy book. By being hit with it.

[He waved her forward, checking the next alley to make sure it was clear] I'll help.


knowledgephilia April 13 2011, 12:24:41 UTC
[She kept closely behind Sam, making sure to cover his back all the while making sure their ground was partially illuminated to prevent from tripping over anything.]

Your help will be very appreciated. He's not as tall as you but, his head is very far from the ground. Both metaphorically and in a literal sense.


hunter_returns April 13 2011, 22:06:04 UTC
He's a good guy. But sometimes his mouth engages a full ten minutes before his brain kicks into gear.


knowledgephilia April 14 2011, 14:42:57 UTC
Isn't that a problem with most boys?


hunter_returns April 15 2011, 01:13:23 UTC
[Sam snorts. As he goes to check around another corner, he barely catches a glimmer of moving metal and throws himself at Hermione as lasers slice through the air above where their heads just were.

They land hard and he scrambles up, trying to get her behind some cover.]

Persistent little bastards, aren't they?


knowledgephilia April 15 2011, 01:53:14 UTC
[The instant Sam was close to her, she turned off her wand in slight panic before remembering what Dean had warned: keep Sammy safe. How could she keep him safe if he was smothering her? She gripped at his sleeve and tugged as best as she could trying to grab his attention.]

Sam, let me. I can stop them!


hunter_returns April 15 2011, 02:35:00 UTC
[He ducked as another volley of shots sizzled the air overhead. Sam spared a quick peek. He remebers that she's capable in her own right, but he's running on instinct now. Hunters protect people. A quick calculation and he's up, firing.

Two robots go down in a shower of sparks and irritated frotzes. Two down, two to go. All yours Hermione, he says with a glance, diving for cover again.]


knowledgephilia April 15 2011, 02:47:56 UTC
[Once Sam was out of her way, she brought her wand up, blocking the next round of lasers with an invisible shield that left the alleyway lit up red for several moments before moving her wrist and sending a streak of what appeared to be lightning bolts at the two bots. She turned to her right and pointed at a buildings wall, making it crack and eventually crumble in a cloud of dust.]

This way. We might as well cut our distance with tangents instead of tracking the entire way there.

[She waved her hand in front of her coughing at the dust before beckoning him over and jumping into the building.]


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