❦ FOURTH PAGE ❦ Hermione :: Sprint

Apr 10, 2011 19:12

[Hermione had never been much for cross country but she made a point to defend herself when needed. She was running as the feed turned on, running through the debris of one of the outer regions, hopping over boulders and hiding behind old abandoned cars. By the angle of the recording, there was quite a swarm after Hermione. She just had enough time ( Read more... )

[au] hermione granger

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[Action] herp derp bakudan_shounen April 11 2011, 04:09:37 UTC
[The closer he gets to Hermione, his shields spin outward, blocking several blasts aimed at them so he can speak with her.]

Then we take these ones out and make a break for it!

[And he takes down three with one shot. As they fall, he reloads and shoots something new, then pulls out his dynamite. At this point, it could be overkill, but he won't let up. The robots hit the street, smoking before one actually sparks and causes a small fire.

Gokudera turns to her, looking fine save for the flush to his cheeks that may suggest he's more drained for energy than he's letting on. His voice is rough from the screaming he's done.]

We're holding up in the apartments. It narrows their entry some so we can defend better. There's too much debris here.

[His eyes sparkle a seafoam green, digital readings on his contact lenses cloud the sides of his vision with data readouts and close in on Hermione. She's exhausted, probably from all that running.]

Hop on.

[He points a thumb over his shoulder at his lightning disc. It expands slightly as it floats between them.]


[Action] /LIIIIICK knowledgephilia April 11 2011, 14:58:53 UTC
All right. I was wondering how organized people were.

[Naturally, she would be concerned there's a boy wielding dynamite but in situations like this, anything worked. Unfortunately, she wasn't trusting that disk.]

How, exactly. What is that.


Re: [Action] /LIIIIICK bakudan_shounen April 11 2011, 15:03:20 UTC
At this point, there aren't many of us left.

[She should just be happy the dynamite isn't pointed at her. The disc should be the least of her worries considering he's using it to help them]

Look, do you want to get the hell out of here or not?!

[He doesn't really have time to explain. When he can, he will]


[Action] knowledgephilia April 12 2011, 17:25:32 UTC
That thing doesn't seem very safe! [She snapped back before getting on the strange disc, hands outstretched as if expecting the thing to lose balance beneath her.]


Re: [Action] bakudan_shounen April 13 2011, 01:18:09 UTC
It's this or the robots! [He growls and shifts his footing to allow her room beside him on the disc. When she steps on, it doesn't so much as shift to accommodate her weight. Oddly enough, the ground is faintly visible through it beneath them, flames licking at its edges with a yellow glow.

Gokudera rolls his eyes and grabs her wrist as the disc moves.]

Catch your breath. I can't keep this thing going much longer.

[It takes his resolve to keep it strong, but he is also low on energy, having used most of it to power his shots. Without either ammunition or means of keeping his shields up, he's practically defenseless. The dynamite only worked so well on the robots before.

As they glide over the ground, they rise above the turned cars, smoke from several shots clouding them from view for a sparse moment until a laser is shot directly at them. One of his many shields jumps up, taking the shot before it begins to shrink, decreasing its size as his energy flags. That shot had been too close for his comfort.]


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