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[Video] skyboundknight April 6 2011, 12:57:17 UTC
[Adapting to the technology takes a while, but Kain has (mostly) gotten the hang of it now. He's surprised to see a familiar face this time when he turns the device on.]



[VIDEO] proteusmoon April 6 2011, 13:13:37 UTC
[ Cecil is simultaneously surprised and not to see his best friend's face suddenly appear; he was just with the other man, true, but he can hardly process how this device can be both mirror and window. Surely it must be of Lunarian make. He can't think of any other race he knows of who would be capable of such a thing. Even Cid would probably be puzzled. ]

Kain! You're here also, thank heavens. Did you step inside a strange portal? How do I help you? [ He's not explicit about his ignorance just yet, but he is actually coming to think that perhaps the box he's holding is a prison of some sort. ]


[VIDEO] skyboundknight April 7 2011, 05:00:06 UTC
It's no portal, Cecil... What you're looking at is a means of communication.

[But he realizes how strange that must seem, considering he was in the same position not very long ago.]

We're a long way from home in this place.


[VIDEO] proteusmoon April 7 2011, 05:25:15 UTC
[ A means of communication? Like a letter... a visual, instantly gratifying letter. Suddenly, Cecil feels rather foolish for having though the dragoon was captured after being afflicted with a Mini spell and he is infinitely grateful Kain doesn't seem to have quite caught on to what he was thinking. ]

I can plainly see that we must be. This technology doesn't exist in Baron, or even in any other nation to my knowledge.


[VIDEO] skyboundknight April 7 2011, 08:03:10 UTC
[Kain fortunately understands the reason for confusion. He knows there's one other problem he ran across when he'd first arrived.]

Nor are you likely to find your weapon anytime soon. They're taken upon arrival, to be returned after a month's time.


[VIDEO] proteusmoon April 7 2011, 11:49:40 UTC
[ That is extremely disquieting and Cecil's voice immediately begins to assume urgent, desperate undertones. ]

What? Why? Kain, we must return to the Lunar Subterrane. Fusoya and Golbez need our help.


[VIDEO] skyboundknight April 7 2011, 15:27:57 UTC
Golbez and... But that's already been dealt with. [Kain is now running that through his mind. Could it be that Cecil was somehow taken from a different time than himself? IS that possible? He'd never had a chance to obtain that information from Edge, so... who knows?]


[VIDEO] proteusmoon April 8 2011, 03:11:32 UTC
[ The white knight's brows furrow and he slides a hand into his hair, perplexed. ] What do you mean, Kain? No, it has not. We were just... [ What was going on? ]


[VIDEO] skyboundknight April 9 2011, 01:49:06 UTC
[It's very baffling, this SAMM has the power to pull people away from not only other worlds but other times?]

We'd already defeated Zemus, before I arrived here.

[And he'd departed for Mount Ordeals, intending not to return until he'd conquered his darkness. He knew the wedding was to happen soon, but Kain couldn't bear to remain for it. He doesn't care to mention any of that right now though.]


[VIDEO] proteusmoon April 9 2011, 03:39:06 UTC
[ Fortunately, this time, Cecil's shock doesn't cause him to drop the communicator, but it's obvious he's at a loss for words and doesn't really know how to respond to Kain's allegation. Despite all, his faith in the dragoon hasn't wavered enough for him to doubt what the older man just said, but still, he doesn't understand at all how the two of them apparently being from different points in time is possible. It's hard to view time as something concrete, something that can be manipulated. Cecil is quiet for a long time, trying to decide what to do and eventually he shakes his head with a deep sigh. He raises his eyes to the sky above. ] I cannot stay here, Kain. You have to return to your time as well.


[VIDEO] skyboundknight April 9 2011, 05:45:57 UTC
I know that. [He wants nothing more than to be rid of his darkness, after all, and hates the notion of leaving his personal quest unfulfilled.] But finding our way home from here may prove to be our most difficult challenge yet.


[VIDEO] proteusmoon April 9 2011, 07:25:06 UTC
[ Cecil crouches and puts the device down on the ground, covering his face with his hands as he weighs the situation. They don't know where they are, they don't know why they're here, and as far as anyone knows, they can't escape. And these people have been here for months. The paladin lowers his hands. Now would be an appropriate time, if ever, to panic. But it wouldn't solve anything. ]

It doesn't matter. We have to try. How long have you been here?


[VIDEO] skyboundknight April 9 2011, 08:29:09 UTC
It's only been a matter of weeks. Not even an entire month yet.

[Which is said with some annoyance, since it means he's still not yet at the point he can regain his weapon.]


[VIDEO] proteusmoon April 9 2011, 09:01:14 UTC
[ Cecil sighs again and rubs at the backs of his heavy eyelids. Hearing that Kain has actually been here for a while and is no closer to leaving is discouraging and frightening. Suddenly, he remembers he hasn't had a full, good night's sleep in a few days and his body is terribly exhausted from fighting. He can feel the weariness soaking into his bones now that the adrenaline from the fight with the Lunasaur is wearing off. It's a testament to how tired he is that he doesn't tell the dragoon what they were going to do next, but, rather, asks for suggestions. ]

What now?


[VIDEO] skyboundknight April 9 2011, 22:49:50 UTC
[That weariness would make sense, given the point in time he's said he's from. It's all the more reason to get themselves back as soon as possible. Their world needs Cecil. He sighs lightly.]

We bide our time until we can seize an opportunity to leave this place. Not much else can be done. I've tried all I could.


[VIDEO] proteusmoon April 10 2011, 02:56:32 UTC
[ The paladin just shakes his head in response to how bleak the situation looks. Having no other option but to sit tight and wait for an opportunity to present itself is not Cecil's favorite activities, but he understands there is likely nothing that can be done, even if it is hard to accept as face value. He picks up the communication device and straightens up. ] Where are you? Have you been well here, at least?


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