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[Audio] HOLY SHIT. THIS IS JUST.... AWESOME. ♥_____♥ 100deaths_a_day April 6 2011, 09:25:31 UTC
[Your puzzled face is just... priceless. So, he'll put it on audio so he can troll you just confuse you that little further.

after all, with the great NOTHING that happened around here (literally), he needs some entertainment.]

You know, I talk too.


[VIDEO] rofl DAMMIT, DEAN. ; ; proteusmoon April 6 2011, 09:58:57 UTC
[ Cecil gasps in shock and drops the magic box, causing the video picture to spin insanely before a loud clatter of plastic on stone is heard and the feed shows a full view of the knight in his dusty, bloodied white and blue armor. He was obviously doing nothing but fighting before arriving here.

The paladin's right hand automatically flies to his hip, fingers searching for the hilt of his sword in order to defend himself from whatever the talking thing is. He's panicking still when it dawns on him... Oh. Right. Sword is gone. So Cecil cautiously approaches the device on the ground, crouching low. ]

What... are you? Where am I?


[Audio] MWUHAHAHAH HE IS THE GOD OF THE COMMUNICATOR 100deaths_a_day April 6 2011, 12:03:38 UTC
[HE WILL NOT VIDEO YOU (yet). This is way too much fun.]

This is my world - the City of Cydonia. It does not matter what I am, because I am your God now.

[He is trying so hard to not laugh at this. New people are always fun.]


[VIDEO] Meanwhile, LJ refuses to send me notifications >\ proteusmoon April 6 2011, 12:34:36 UTC
[ The paladin's brows nearly disappear under his headband at this. His "god"? The closest thing Cecil acknowledges to a deity is simply referred to as "the Spirit" and everyone on the Blue Planet pretty much honors that or nothing. ]

I see. I am afraid I have not before heard of this place. What shall I call you, then?


[Video] Oh god, it's not starting that shit again... ><;;; 100deaths_a_day April 6 2011, 13:29:49 UTC
[He clicks the feed on, he's laughing way to hard to continue with the god thing.] I'm pulling your leg, I'm a "guest" like you.

I'm Dean.

And don't worry, I hadn't heard of it either until I got pulled in... five months ago now. Holy crap... [He'd forgotten it had been that long]


[VIDEO] Yeeaaah, it's been sending my notifs about thirty minutes late, sigh proteusmoon April 7 2011, 02:22:00 UTC
[ Cecil's suspicious expression transitions to one of confusion. Pulling his leg...? Is this really a time to be playing games? He isn't sure he shouldn't consider this Dean a friend just yet, but he can't really say a trickster is very dangerous... yet, at least.

He reaches out and picks the device up from the ground, giving the man he sees in the window now a small smile, chuckling softly. ]

Oh. Well, that makes a little more sense. I'm Cecil. You have really been here that long?


Re: [VIDEO] Goddamnit. ...at least it isn't like... weeks late? o3o 100deaths_a_day April 7 2011, 08:18:34 UTC
[If you tell him you don't find a trickster particularaly dangerous, he will laugh in your face.

After snorting with laughter at the name, he sighs softly.] Yup. Even christmas - which isn't normally something we make a deal about - I spent here. It started off with about ten of us here.


[VIDEO] Yeah, okay, word, hahaha. proteusmoon April 7 2011, 11:45:18 UTC
[ Cecil is about to ask what's amusing when he's distracted by the mention of yet another thing he knows nothing about: what is "Christmas"? He's rapidly grasping the idea that he truly is further from home than he thought. ]

How many are left?


Re: [VIDEO] X3 100deaths_a_day April 7 2011, 13:25:55 UTC
Left? There's more of us. S.A.M.M kepps bringing them in. Like you.


[VIDEO] proteusmoon April 8 2011, 03:08:36 UTC
[ More!? ] What does he want with all these people?


Re: [VIDEO] 100deaths_a_day April 8 2011, 08:23:01 UTC
[He shrugs] Damned if I know. Or, any of us.


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