.:Video 1:.

Apr 05, 2011 08:39

[The camera is set at a odd-angle, and jars even more as Mary stumbles into view. Her white nightgown in stained red across the stomach, while her expression is pale, and one of panic. She rushes forward, only to stumble slightly, her bare feet pattering against the floor.]

Sammy! Sam--! [She stops her cries, realizing they wont do her any good ( Read more... )

[ou] mary winchester

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Oh God, that icon... Dean just went "DX /bjf/;kasjefbkjb" Or words to that effect XD 100deaths_a_day April 5 2011, 13:09:31 UTC
[S.A.M.M ... He hates you so much right now. Though, not because he's upset, but because it will a) Screw with Sammy, and b) screw with her.]

M- [Can't call her mom yet. Don't want to freak her out. Epsecially as she used to be a hunter.]

Ma'am? Are you looking for someone?


itwasforthem April 5 2011, 14:50:24 UTC
[That face... she knows his face. Like a distant memory, something she blocked out from long ago.]

[Mary shudders again.] It's my family... something's happened. I have to get back to them!


[Video to action] ...you never saw that derp of forgetting to say it was a video >> XD 100deaths_a_day April 5 2011, 16:08:59 UTC
Hey, Calm down a little. I'm sure they're fine. You look like... you've been hurt.

I... let me come over to you. I'll be there in a moment.

[There's a click as the feed turns off and he puts the tracker on the communicator. He knocks on the door about five minutes later. He's a little out of breath where he basically ran over.]


[Action.] itwasforthem April 5 2011, 19:28:09 UTC
[Mary realizes what he means. She draws in a wordless gasp when she realizes her nightgown is stained with blood-- her blood.]

[She acknowledges the knock with a faint twitch of the head, but she doesn't answer the door; instead, she crumbles to her knees, her expression blank.]

Oh no...


Re: [Action.] 100deaths_a_day April 5 2011, 20:25:15 UTC
[Dean hears it, and he tries the door. Not open. He braces himself, and kicks it open. He rushes over to her, and it's all he can do not to pull her into one of his bone-crushing bear hugs.]

Are you alright? [sounding slightly panicked.]


[Action.] itwasforthem April 5 2011, 20:31:42 UTC
[She glances up at him; a perfect stranger. Someone she can't tell about the deal she made ten years ago. But she can--involuntarily-- share this.]

I think I... I think I died?


Re: [Action.] 100deaths_a_day April 5 2011, 20:47:53 UTC
[his breath hitched. He says the words before he can stop them.] The fire?

[oh... crap.]


[Action.] itwasforthem April 5 2011, 20:50:18 UTC
[She looks up sharply.] What?


Re: [Action.] 100deaths_a_day April 5 2011, 21:06:51 UTC
[Ahhh... son of a bitch...] Okay.

[Breathes out] I need to explain where we are before who I am. Hopefully you'll freak out a little less...

We're in a place called Cydonia. The robot, S.A.M.M, that built and runs this place... he can take people from any time or place. We've got people here from the future, the past, from different planets. Aliens, witches, angels, humans, pretty much everything. O-Okay?


[Action.] itwasforthem April 5 2011, 21:39:50 UTC
[She nods, her eyebrows knit with confusion.] Alight.


Re: [Action.] 100deaths_a_day April 5 2011, 21:57:41 UTC
[There's a deep breath. no easy way to say this, but... here goes...] My name is Dean Winchester. I was born 24th of January, 1979 to John and Mary Winchester. [He points as he says her name, smiling a little.]


...[There's a pause before he says quietly.] Dad got us out. We're okay.


[Action.] itwasforthem April 5 2011, 22:38:24 UTC
[It takes Mary a few moments to digest this. She stares at him, long and hard, before her expression tightens, her eyes flash, and her fist shoots out to smack him squarely in the nose.]

You work for the Yellow-Eyed Demon, don't you?! [Her voice is a hoarse shriek. She's more than a little hysterical.] Because you sure as hell are not my Dean! He's only a little boy!

Haven't you done enough to my life already?!


Re: [Action.] 100deaths_a_day April 5 2011, 22:51:08 UTC
[Dean holds his nose, and then shakes it off.] Okay, I had a feeling something like that would happen. Man, I know where I get my right hook from now then.

[He looks he straight in the eye as he pulls out a rosary. He then goes to the apartment kitchen and gets a glass of water. He drapes it in it and brings it out to her. He drinks it in front of her.]


[Nothing changes in or on him. He looks around the room.] Crap, nothing silver... We can go back to mine, and we can do the hokey-cokey on a devil's trap 'cause that's what it's all about.

This is why I tried telling you about the time thing first...


[Action.] itwasforthem April 5 2011, 22:57:48 UTC
[Mary watches, her expression livid and terrified at the same time. She flinches when nothing happens, having prepared herself for something to happen.]

[Her expression doesn't change none at his quiet plea, but she does look a little more interested now.]

You're a hunter?


Re: [Action.] 100deaths_a_day April 5 2011, 23:04:47 UTC
[He nods] I know you didn't want us to be...

I'm sure you can understand. In the circumstances. [Pointedly trying not to look at that nightgown.]


[Action.] itwasforthem April 6 2011, 21:04:35 UTC
What do yo-- [Until now, she still hasn't believed him to being her son from the future. But then, Mary's eyes widen. His face, his eyes... there's so much of her in there, along with some of John too.]

You are my little boy, aren't you? [It's not a trick to mess with her even more...]

Dean! Oh my God, Dean! [She flings her arms around him and hugs fiercly.]


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