Mar 20, 2011 17:46

[Every screen in Cydonia will flicker suddenly. It is about time for SAMM's weekly address. So you can't suspect anything different. That is until you look at the screen. You'll notice there is no friendly robotic child voice today. Just an ominous grinding... like something is slowly opening, or something is slowly closing.

More mechanized sounds, you realize you can hear them from the devices as well as being able to actually hear them from a distance. The ground shakes as there is a loud clunk. The sound of hydraulics penetrates your eardrums again before another loud clunk. The video feed is now showing a large sectioned silver rod, like a telescope pointing out of the city.

That's right. Your feed is showing a giant metal rod, with a large green liquid-like substance in a tank within the first section. The acidic glowing liquid isn't moving. Whatever it is it's tightly compact in that container. The camera suddenly flickers to a different angle.

For those of you who are familiar with weaponry, you'll immediately recognize this as some sort of sight. A low murmuring can be heard as gears wind and writhe and a great charging noise can be heard from the device, and faintly from the City itself.

Again the camera flickers. But this time, it would be more surprising. You can see the planet below. Solid ground. There is a thick vapor rising slowly from the ground which from what you can see isn't entirely remarkable. That is, until the camera pans out slightly. You can see half of the golden gates bridge poking out at a sharp angle above the vapor.

The feed ends abruptly, In a flash of would-be blinding green light. For a split second, you may make out the faintest trace of something humanoid disappearing in the green light before the feed turns off.

From the city, you can hear the gun wind itself back in. Before the rumbling happens again, and the city is silent.]


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