✖ Dante ✖ Mission Thirteen: Graffiti

Mar 15, 2011 17:36

[It's been two days and the D&D are drunk. Again. Still. Whatever free time they had, they were seriously taking the definition of partying to a different level. If anything could be said about their current situation, it was clearly a portrayal of the hazards of bored drunken men. The feed turned on to a very shaky image of Dean leaning over what appeared to be a sleeping Castiel. His shirt was off and he had been moved on his stomach so that Dean had the angel's back as a canvas to his wonderful art. A very familiar voice was standing behind the camera's vision.]

You're gettin' a little shaky on the corner, Dean. There. That's better.

[Efforts continued, Dean was actually drawing an impressive set of angel wings on the guys back with a black sharpy. Eventually, Dante started getting creative himself and dropped off the recording device in order to draw a black mustache on the sleeping Castiel. He was chuckling like a mad man.]

Think he'll wake up?

[A chuckle.] Nope.

Good thing I left him a little reminder then, right? Can't wait to see his face.

[Clearly, heads will roll.]

[ou] dean, [ou] dante

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