[Video] || ☺Crimp 1☺

Mar 06, 2011 23:52

[Being the person that Vince is, he's quite open to technology. It doesn't take him long to figure out how to use the communicator. The video clicks on, and he's dressed normal, by Vince's standards. He's in a fluorescent pink t-shirt, and black drainpipes. The red cowboy hat and black scarf complete the outfit. He's looking perfectly happy, and ( Read more... )

[ou] vince noir

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hung_garian March 7 2011, 07:55:53 UTC
Is that 'plain looking' by your standards, or everyone else's? 'Cause no offence, pal, but I think everyone in this place is a little plain looking compared to you.


electrolady_boy March 7 2011, 09:36:43 UTC
I know, I do tend to add a bit of style and class to a room, right? [he gives a bright smile.]

It's one of the things that got me in Cheekbone magazine.


hung_garian March 7 2011, 16:12:01 UTC
You certainly add a bit of something.

[He hadn't been inclined to particularly like this guy, but that smile - it was kind of hard not to, really. Even for Gabriel, who's rather good at disliking people.]

Cheekbone, huh? Can't say I've heard of it, but I'm thinking the main reason you were in it was maybe - maybe - something to do with facial structure. I mean, sure, it's a stab in the dark, but I have this crazy feeling that there might be something in it.


electrolady_boy March 7 2011, 17:45:33 UTC
[oh, you. Stroking his already large ego is definitely the way into this narcists heart.

Not that he disliked people anyway.

His smile can only get warmer and wider.]

Really? I mean... Thanks. It's that and the fact I have a fantastic sense of style. Which is something you look like you could appreciate yourself. [Compliment, that was one]


[video all along, woops.] hung_garian March 7 2011, 18:02:38 UTC
[Well, it wasn't so much of a compliment as a slightly sarcastic comment, but he won't deny it. Vince does have lovely cheekbones.]

Oh, I can see that. [He grins.] Why, thank you. As you can tell, I do try keeping up with the fashions.

[As one can clearly tell from his 80s haircut, scruffy jacket and awful shirt. Oh well. He'll take it as a compliment anyway.]


Re: [video LOL.] electrolady_boy March 7 2011, 18:48:06 UTC
[Vince is simple enough for sarcasm to be lost.]

Retro's a good look. [IT'S REALLY NOT SARCASM. He's a VERY honest person.]


[video] hung_garian March 7 2011, 21:23:21 UTC
Yeah? [He smiles for real this time. Well, as real as he gets.] Well, thanks, mystery man. I'm Gabriel. Nice to meet you.


Re: [video] electrolady_boy March 7 2011, 21:29:18 UTC
I'm Vince Noir. nice to meet you too.


[video] hung_garian March 7 2011, 21:33:41 UTC
Vince Noir, huh? [He looks thoughtful for a moment.] Sounds like some kind of rock and roll star, if you don't mind me saying.

[Protip: if you do mind, he doesn't care.]

That, or a shade of paint.


Re: [video] electrolady_boy March 7 2011, 21:50:29 UTC
[A very happy Vince, you make.] Well, I been in bands, so that's cool.

And I'd be an amazing shade of paint. I'd be black, with glittery bits, like a fashionable mirror ball that shines different light depending on what light hits it.

Either that, or purple.


[video] hung_garian March 8 2011, 21:05:54 UTC
[Admittedly he was mostly just amused by his rhyming skills, but he's not saying that. In fact, he's not saying much at all for a moment, because really, he's not sure what to say to that.]

The black has potential. Matches the name, for a start, but if you were purple the name could just be ironic. [He shrugs, looking thoughtful (looking being the key word there).] I'd go with the glitter, personally. Much more... you.


Re: [video] electrolady_boy March 9 2011, 00:59:13 UTC
[He chuckles] Yeah it is.

[Oh, Gabe... you haven't seen the mirrorball suit yet. Oh how right you will know you are when you do.]

what would you be... [thoughtful look.] first impressions? Something bright. Like... sweets.


[video] hung_garian March 9 2011, 18:21:45 UTC
[Have a massive grin, Vince.]

You think so? Gotta say, kid, you're growing on me already.


Re: [video] electrolady_boy March 9 2011, 18:27:28 UTC
[Have a massive grin back.]

I really do think so. And, I have that effect with people. It's a side effect of being a little ray of sunshine. [Self-proclaimed, of course]


[video] hung_garian March 9 2011, 18:38:07 UTC
Only a little one? Don't put yourself down, pal. I'm sure if you put your mind to it you could be a real socialite.

[Okay, no, the mild sarcasm just couldn't stay away.]


Re: [video] electrolady_boy March 9 2011, 19:00:48 UTC
[And watch it roll off like water off a duck's back]

I am! I don't know what it is... but me and people just click, you know?

And I'm amazing with animals, too. I met this polar bear once... He was amazing. A little lonely out in the tundra.... but a really good friend. he liked Gary Numan too, So that's always a plus.


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