Video/Action || Second Drill

Mar 02, 2011 16:27

[The video clicks on to show Boota, a tiny pig-mole who is not only donning his usual pair of black shades, but he a hard-hat. His is also holding tiny flag to direct people around the hole behind him.

It is around 2.5 feet diameters across and an immeasurable depth at a glance. The pig-mole's owner is nowhere to be found, but beside the feed Boota has set up, reads 'SIMON'.]

Buuui! Bubububoii!

[A shadow is cast over the communicator and the tiny creature as a STROng robot appears to inspect the construction in the middle of the park. It doesn't seem to be too alarmed, though. However,this hole could cause someone quite a bit of damage if someone were to fall inside. Though it does little else but step forward for a closer inspection, It's presence upsets Boota, who stands on his hind legs and lifts a miniature stop-sign. Finding that the giant robot ignores it, Boota backs up, intimidated, and knocks the communicator down the hole.

It's dark and seems to be falling for quite some time before it lands with a quick scraping sound.]


[A light flashes as Simon turns his shining goggles onto his communicator. The screen lights up the hole with a pale blue, and Simon lowers his core drill to inspect the device. What was this doing here...?]

[[ooc: Audio/Video responses go to Simon. Action goes to Boota.]]

[ou] simon

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