[Video/Action] Eighth Fuse

Mar 01, 2011 13:04

[The video shows a glimpse of silver for a moment before the device goes crashing onto the concrete of a sidewalk.]

What the hell-?! This isn't the past! I missed it! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGGGHHHHH!!!

[The screaming grows progressively louder while he's tugging his hair (not that you can see) before there's a snap.] Ah! Right...

[There's a growl, a ( Read more... )

[au] gokudera hayato

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[Action] flirtninja March 1 2011, 18:59:41 UTC
[Edge had taken note of the feed for a moment, then as was his wont curiously poked for information. No sooner did he do so, and determine the name behind that abandoned communicator, then a cat raced by with a now-communicator-less teenager behind him.]

Hey! HEY!

[And the ninja takes off running after him, bellowing:] HEY! Your little green friend is LOOKING FOR YOU!


Re: [Action] bakudan_shounen March 1 2011, 22:03:44 UTC
[Gokudera dives after the cat as it rounds a corner and into an artificial bush bordering the park. He glances over his shoulder at Edge, taken aback by the man's dress and his unfamiliar face.]

Oi, what the hell do you want?!

[He gets up and looks around, trying to figure out where Uri would pop out next.]


[Action] flirtninja March 2 2011, 00:35:44 UTC
[He races up, stopping; the exertion doesn't seem to have winded him.]

You're Gokudera, right? It said so on the -- the thing.


Re: [Action] bakudan_shounen March 2 2011, 06:50:21 UTC
Yeah? So?

[It actually hasn't hit him that he's back in Cydonia. HE HAS TO FIND HIS KITTY WEAPON]


[Action] flirtninja March 2 2011, 16:03:06 UTC

So your little friend Dende has been looking for you! He was afraid you'd never come back! Go see that kid!

[That's an order!]


Re: [Action] bakudan_shounen March 2 2011, 18:26:19 UTC
[He stops and frowns at him, the name ringing a bell in his memory.]

You said 'Dende'?


Re: [Action] flirtninja March 2 2011, 18:59:27 UTC
Yes. Short kid. Green. Complains about a worry bug in his stomach. I'm not sure how to narrow it down more.

[...If Edge has to go explain to Dende that the friend he was crying over doesn't remember or care about him after all, there will be violence.]


Re: [Action] bakudan_shounen March 2 2011, 20:16:32 UTC
I-I can't right now! [He glances about once more for Uri, shouting into the bushes she'd vanished into]


[Action] flirtninja March 2 2011, 20:32:01 UTC
Why not?

[This had better be good.]


Re: [Action] bakudan_shounen March 2 2011, 22:02:03 UTC
I'm busy!

[And then he's off to search through the bushes, hands and knees to grab whatever may be rustling around in hopes that it will be Uri]


[Action] flirtninja March 2 2011, 22:12:20 UTC
...And this is more important than someone who cares about you like family?


Re: [Action] bakudan_shounen March 2 2011, 22:26:45 UTC
Don't lecture me on things you don't understand!

[He growls and stops moving, just listening with his entire body to find some sign that the cat is still in the bushes with him, and when he sees something, he pounces.]

Uri leaps from the brush, ears lit with fire as she hisses and scampers up to Edge, around him, then onto Gokudera's back, where she sinks in her claws]

AUGH! [He yowls in pain and reaches back to grab her. His hand catches the fur on the back of her neck and he pulls her off. She's limp and looking at him with giant angry eyes before lunging at his face, swiping over and over and he's back on the floor again]


[Action] flirtninja March 3 2011, 00:27:15 UTC
[Irritated, Edge makes a gesture with his hands. That gesture flicks a dagger not towards the pair, but towards the cat's shadow; the enchantments on it will bind the shadow it strikes, and thus the creature casting it.]


Re: [Action] bakudan_shounen March 3 2011, 01:31:31 UTC
[Gokudera carefully sits up, a set of claws on each paw dug into his scalp. The fire continues to roar from her ears and a growl rumbles from her territorially at Edge.

The teen fumbles for the box she belongs in, and punches it open, but as she is bound, she can't return.]


[Action] flirtninja March 3 2011, 03:26:41 UTC
You got that? I'm gonna let it go if you got it.

[He's expecting comedic disaster, honestly.]


Re: [Action] bakudan_shounen March 3 2011, 04:54:06 UTC

[He's not going to admit it, but this kind of thing happens A LOT with his box weapon.]


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