♦ Spell 10 ♦ [Video + Action] || Willow Rosenberg

Feb 14, 2011 22:11

[It was past 10 o'clock. The party had been happening for a while now. But... There was something wrong. There were arrows littering the ground around the room, sticking out of almost any surface that they can. Willow is standing at the edge of the room. Apparently a Survelliance bot decided to record this.

Her heels were off and her hair was down. She was looking around the room for anything she could use to stop the advancing cupid bot. She looked at the table next to her, which raised and as she gestured towards the advancing bot, levitated and threw itself at the bot.

Unfortunately, Two arrows shot forward. Hitting her directly in the back. A shocked look comes across her face as she falls forward. Flatly. Five long seconds pass. Suddenly, she comes back up like a bobo-doll her pupils spreading into her iris's. Okay. Now she was mad. She reached around behind her and pulled out the two arrows. Tossing them onto the floor casually. As if to say "Arrows? Not gonna cut it."

The lovely girl who was friends with pretty much anyone is now walking forwards with an air of power around her. A robot takes aim but as it does it's thrown VERY violently into the wall. A third bot comes to take aim. She turns to face it as the arrow flies towards her. It stops an inch from her face and spins, before she sends it flying back into the robots head.

The last two bots that had chased her here advanced on her. Not taking any crap now. She hovvered in the air, preparing to take them down. One arrow grazed her face and the second narrowly missed. She wiped her hand over the cut, the fresh blood now on her hand. She reaches out as if she wants to touch the robot, her hand open. She clenches it, The sound of crushing metal follows immediately as she swings her hand. The crushed robot flies into the last attacker, causing an explosion that ends the feed.]

[ou] willow rosenberg

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