[Video] || Hunt 12 ||

Feb 07, 2011 07:26

[there's a very cheerful Dean on screen (which is surprising, considering the events of a coouple of days ago...). You all should know why. It could have something to do with the fact that he has a little brother and a guardian angel here in the city now. It could also have to do with the pendant hanging round his neck, but not all of you would ( Read more... )

[ou] dean winchester

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to_rebel February 7 2011, 07:40:50 UTC
[Half of that didn't actually make sense. (Mr. Comatose? Ass-butt? What are you even talking about, Dean? At least he recognizes that you were talking to him.

And since when does he ever like any serious conversation they've had to have?]

I'm well, Dean. Where are you?

[GPS in his phone-thing? Yeah, he hasn't quite figured that out yet.]


100deaths_a_day February 7 2011, 09:20:52 UTC
I'm in my room.

Do you remember where it is?


[video -> action] to_rebel February 7 2011, 16:37:40 UTC
I can find it.

[He did eventually leave there at least a little more clear-headed than when Dean dragged him in there after all. It takes a few minutes, simply because Castiel is walking -- yes, walking -- to his destination. He doesn't knock. It probably doesn't even occur to him; he just pushes the door open.]


Re: [action] 100deaths_a_day February 7 2011, 16:52:53 UTC
...It's nice when I get a little warning of your arrival.

[He waves a hand, indicating the bed.] You'll want to be sat for this.

[He hated himself for what he was about to do... but it's best he was straight up with the angel, right?]


[action] to_rebel February 7 2011, 16:57:39 UTC
[Don't get used to it; Castiel's just being careful with using his powers right now, for probably understandable reasons. He still aches, after all.

He raises a brow, but he does take a seat on the bed. This was a human tactic, was it not? When a conversation would be unpleasant?]

What's this about, Dean?


Re: [action] 100deaths_a_day February 7 2011, 17:01:13 UTC
...Your father, mainly. [Note how he does not sound at all happy about this. At all.]


Re: [action] to_rebel February 7 2011, 17:13:04 UTC
[He notes. His gaze also drifts to the pendant hanging around Dean's neck.

Dean-from-the-future has information about God. Despite the fact that Dean does not sound in the least thrilled about delivering the information, Castiel can't help the swell of hope that rises in him.

He can't help it. But... he's already bracing himself, because it's Dean and Dean does not look happy.]

Then talk.


Re: [action] 100deaths_a_day February 7 2011, 19:53:27 UTC
[Damn it Cas... Wipe that hopeful look off your face. He knows that look, and it's making this a hell of a lot harder than it already was. Which he would have thought impossible until you got that look on your face.

He looks away, not able to look at you anymore.

Was this... really the right thing to do? now that Cas was here and about to be broken... He wasn't sure. He'd seen the fallout of it before, and wasn't sure if h-

No. Now was not the time to be thinking of himself. After all, He'd dealt with Cas before, and he'd do it again. He'd be there for his friend. Like always.

And, it was the right thing to do. After all, He couldn't risk him overhearing it if Dean was to (not that that was likely... It was still a little sore spot for him, too) ever mention it. And Dean doesn't want to leave it to Sam. To Cas... Well, as far as Dean knew, Sam was still 'Lucifer's vessel' and he didn't think Cas would appreciate hearing it from him.]

Cas, I... [He sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he focuses on the door, using the ( ... )


[action] to_rebel February 7 2011, 22:46:53 UTC
[That pause before Dean speaks is excruciating. To Castiel, time is somewhat relative. An immortal being learns to wait, to move when ready, to simply be and let time bring what is needed to them. This, though... This waiting for Dean to give him some information is... Well, it's not good.

How very human of him.

And then Dean speaks; Castiel furrows his brow at this. On some level, he had known that Dean "had his back" so to speak. That he could come to Sam and Dean with anything and ask for help -- and he had, a time or two. He didn't answer that. His mind was already jumping forward to what was coming next.

If Dean was telling him that he was there if need be, then surely it followed that the news would be bad? That's not even possible. Perhaps he'd never found God, but it's obvious that Dean, at least, at survived. He wouldn't be standing here, a year from the future, and offering him a shoulder to lean on.

It couldn't be that bad. It couldn't.

... And then it was worse.]


[He repeats it, like he doesn't quite ( ... )


Re: [action] ...ADDS TO THE EFFECT, BY USING TRAUMA FACE. NOW EXCUSE ME WHILST I GO SOB T_____T 100deaths_a_day February 7 2011, 23:11:19 UTC
[He can't.... he can't do that.]

Me and Sam... We get shot... got shot... whatever. We end up in heaven, and you help us find the garden. We speak to Joshua.

his message: "stop looking for me." [His voice is bitter. Hell, it passed bitterness three blocks back.]

...That's why... I didn't have the necklace on me when you met up with me.

I also figured... that it would be best for me to tell you this.


[action] ;_____; to_rebel February 7 2011, 23:29:22 UTC

Just... silence. Castiel doesn't know how to respond. Dean... No. Dean wouldn't lie to him. That's one thing he's sure of -- absolutely sure of. Dean would not lie to him.

He wants to ask a million questions. When does this happen? How did they get back? Why did-



But his voice is gone. His mind can't seem to focus on any one question. When Uriel turned on him so long ago, he'd felt so used and betrayed. Utterly worthless. Despised. He hadn't thought betrayal could feel worse than that, but this bubbling up in his chest, closing off his throat, shutting down his mind...

This is worse. This is so much worse.

His chest aches and it's not simply because of torn Grace.

And he can still find no words for this. He only turns away from Dean, trying desperately to sort this through.]


Re: [action] /just... gonna... go cry in the corner for a while u.u 100deaths_a_day February 8 2011, 00:09:19 UTC
[Dean had said all he needed.

He felt so... ditraught for Cas. He'd lived through it... and he knew how their story went. Cas... He had nothing to hold onto. No hope. No reassurances for the future... none set in stone, anyway.

When Cas turned away... he felt his heart break for the angel. Again. Dean thought he might have been able to cope easier telling Cas the news for a second time? He was wrong.

So wrong.

It was all he could do not to rip the godforsaken pendant off his neck and throw it all over again. But, he knew he'd regret that. Again.

So Dean sits there silently. He can't bring himself to speak... even look at the angel. One fell swoop, and they were back at the motel. He was a year younger. And they both were lost again.

Dean listened to the sound of silence... and it said more than words ever could. Ever would. So here he'd sit, silently supporting his friend. Here he'd stay for Cas... For all the things Cas had done, and would do for him and Sam.

He stays by what he said.

He's there.]


[action] THIS THREAD T___T to_rebel February 8 2011, 00:23:33 UTC
[For a long moment, Castiel stands without moving. He's lost. Teetering on an edge. This close to breaking.

He can't. He has work to do. They have work to do -- but they can't do that here. Not stuck in some godforsaken -- literally, apparently -- city he's never heard of before.

Godforsaken. Like him.

He's a falling angel who keeps putting his faith into the wrong things.

... He can't do this. He can't stand here in silence. He can't watch Dean watch him break. He just can't. That ache in his chest intensifies and he closes his eyes; he would not fly away then.

But he would walk away. He raises a hand -- it's shaking, just a little -- and pulls the door open. Without a word, without looking back, he leaves.]


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