[11] x Training x || Hope Estheim [Video]

Feb 04, 2011 11:22

[Hope is in the training complex again. His hair is a little dewy. He'd obviously been here for some time. The hall is empty, except for one exPERT robot, who is in the room with him. You hear vague encouraging remarks which Hope seems to be ignoring.]

Okay. Run it again.

[The robot says "Sure thing little guy!" in a hardy masculine tone, before putting up a battle stance. Hope flicks his boomerang out, and ducks under the robots blows. He rolls forward through the robots legs before springing to his feet, throwing his boomerang. He narrowly dodges a back kick from the robot, before blocking a punch. Always eager to try something new, he held onto the arm, locking it in place by pressure on the shoulder joint and pushing the robot to the ground. He jumps up in time to catch his boomerang. It appears his training is going well!]


[The recording appeared to come over from where Hope's PROud robot is, which he had for some reason he'll justify if you have the strange to ask. He sits down out of camera view, and the feed ends.]

[ou] hope estheim

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