Goku broke something already. // intro // [Action/Accidental Video]

Jan 29, 2011 00:48


Bzz- [smack!]

[The buzzing sound from the small personal robot was what woken him up. Though apparently Goku didn't seem to want to be woken up just yet. So he reached around blindly and attempted to gently tap the so called alarm clock to turn it off... ultimately whacking the poor thing across the room. Goku blinked his eyes open ( Read more... )

[ou] goku

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holy_pickle January 29 2011, 06:18:40 UTC
[Oh...that man... he looked sort of familiar... and those funny orange clothes... Krillin wore something like that once. Well, that's enough to merit a curious little green face on the screen]

Um... hello. Are you new here?


moar_food_plz January 29 2011, 06:22:45 UTC
[Oh hey look! It's a little Piccolo.]

Well I guess so, yeah.
Wherever here is exactly.

Say um, you wouldn't happen to be a Namek would you?


holy_pickle January 29 2011, 06:33:06 UTC
You're in Cydonia. A big Robot-thing is keeping us here. I don't like him. He's scary.

[Dende looks shocked for a second, and then quickly bursts into a BIG smile!]

Yeah! You know Namekians?! D-do you know anybody named Krillin? O-or maybe Gohan?


moar_food_plz January 29 2011, 06:36:39 UTC
[Yeah, oddly enough... that doesn't seem to surprise him really.]

Wha-? Krillin? And Gohan?!
Of course!
I've known Krillin since were kids!
And Gohan is my son!

[He is just SO excited.]

Are they- Are they here too?!


holy_pickle January 29 2011, 06:49:48 UTC
[Dende is filled with so much happy he can hardly contain it all. He starts bouncing happily and giggling]

You're Gohan's father?! Gohan and Krillin are my friends! I met them on Namek, and they saved me from a big mean pink monster then they took me to meet a scary lady named Bulma and then-

[And he's starting to talk faster... and faster...]


[Big inhale, and he starts in again, talking a mile a minute...only in his excitement he forgot which language he was supposed to speak and began his rambling in Namekian]


moar_food_plz January 29 2011, 06:56:31 UTC
[Okay so now as he's hit with about a hundred words per minute, all he can pick out are a few key words like: Scary, Bulma, Krillin, DragonBall, Gohan, and Vegeta was a big jerk. Yeah that about sums all he needs to know.]

Whoa! Whoa!
Slow down there!

I don't think you're even speaking the same language anymore!

[He didn't think Nameks could get all happy and excited like this. but then again maybe all Nameks weren't Piccolo either.]


holy_pickle January 29 2011, 07:09:48 UTC
[Dende covers his mouth still giggling in delight. To try and calm down, he rolls off screen for a moment, giggles and then rolls back to the communicator. He has now re-mastered speaking properly]

Your name is Goku right!? I'm Dende! It's very nice to meet you Mr. Goku!

[he bows politely to the screen]


moar_food_plz January 29 2011, 07:19:58 UTC
[Okay so maybe he can't help but to laugh too, it is kinda contagious after all.]

Nice to meet you too Dende.

[Yeah, not all Nameks were like Piccolo apparently.]

So, you said this place is called Cydonia right?
I've never heard of it before, but I'm pretty sure it's no where near Namek.
You're awfully far from home. How long have you been here Dende?


holy_pickle January 29 2011, 19:22:18 UTC
[Dende looked down sadly for a moment]

W-well I-I was taken f-from Namek... a-and I was taken to a big ship thing... and I met my friend Gokudera. He can be really grumpy, but he's nice too! A-and well... we escaped that place and ended up here. A-and Gokudera is going to try and bring me home with him because... there's no one left to take care of me on Namek.

[then something dawns on him]

M-Mr. Goku! D-d-do you know what happened on Namek?! I-Is Frieza and Vegeta gone?! I-Is Namek safe now!?


moar_food_plz January 29 2011, 22:27:46 UTC
Oh heyyy... Y'know I think I actually talked to that guy just a little bit ago on this thing here.

Heh. Well uh, Frieza is gone for good. I know that much.
Vegeta... last I head he was sent to Earth with all the other Name- uh...

About that... Oh boy... um...


holy_pickle January 29 2011, 23:30:15 UTC
[Dende smiles big for a second]

Frieza's gone!? He's never coming back?!

[Dende's smile fades and his eyes get watery]

W-what happened!? P-please tell me! Is Namek okay?! It should be right?! N-Namek has to be okay!


moar_food_plz January 30 2011, 00:02:31 UTC
[Now this is just heart breaking. How exactly do you explain something like this to a child?]

Well... the fight really didn't leave much left.
When Frieza found himself backed into a corner... he panicked.
And unfortunately... he uh... took it out on the entire planet.

I'm sorry Dende... but...
Namek is gone.


holy_pickle January 30 2011, 00:18:52 UTC
[Dende covered his hand over his mouth, he felt like he was going to be sick. He backed away from the communicator]

N-no... n-n-not N-Namek t-too! Not Namek too!

[Oh he couldn't handle this, he needed Gokudera... Gokudera would know what to do!]

I-I-I need to go! I-I'm s-s-sorry!


moar_food_plz January 30 2011, 00:49:56 UTC
[Yeah, now he feels just awful.]

I'm real sorry Dende.

[But Goku just nods his head slowly. The poor little guy probably just needed some time by himself anyway.]

I'll be around if you need me, alright?


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