Challenge #2 - Winners

Apr 30, 2007 22:14

Ooookay.. this voting made me really confused and surprised.. i wasn't expecting this, but what can i do? you voting, i'm just watching and posting results.
There wasn't much vote, but i think some more won't change the situation anyway.

So, i'm sutting up, and here are the resuts...

<<< eternalphoenix_ third place >>>

<<< cardcaptur the runner up >>>

<<< mariarita Last Icon Maker Standing >>>

Congratulations to everyone!

Also i'd like to thank all other people who were with us and made this LIMS such sucsessful :)
I think sing up post for Challenge #3 will be posted very soon, at least if you want it.. and i think you do :)
Sing ups #3 are open already.. go and sing yourself up.
And banners will be very soon i think, i'll try my best, but i don't feel really goo now, so i don't know. %)


1 - the coloring in all 3 icons is lovely. So is the text and texture use. It's all in all very well done
#2 The colours work well with all the pictures, they have a simple cut but it works very well in my opinion.
1: just gorgeousness all around! great use of light and color.
#1 the last icon really sold me, the coloring and light textures used are gorgeous and the black and white on the second one is really well done
2 - This set is simple and appealing without going overboard with textures and such. Icon 2 from this set has gorgeous coloring. Icon 3 is clear with vivid colors and the texture is subtle but visible.
#1: The colorings and the light textures work very well in all the three icons that there're no contradictions between brightness at all. Great works!
1 - lovely colouring and use of texture
#01 - The coloring is great, the first one is very powerful, the second one is b/w with a little of use of light texture and the third coloring a bit b/w mixed with some colors. Great icons!
#02 - The images are pretty, but the coloring of first icon looks a bit powerless, also there could have been a text on some of the three icons.
#03 - Almost 2 two icons are in black/white, those images could have gotten a more interesting, colorful coloring.
3 - too dark and grungy
2 - the first two are, despite being coloured look dull.
set#2: The colorings are fine but the crops are not as classic as the other two; I tink they would be better if add some textures to make up the focuses.
set#3: The crops are quite good with the textures/texts but the coloring is a bit gloomy; I think they would be better if strengthen the contrasts.
Set 1 - Although the black & white color scheme is nice on the 2nd icon, the texture and text don't seem to fit the icon. Icon 3 is a bit blurry.
Set 3 - The first icon is a bit too sharp. The text on top is too bold and the font isn't very fitting with the icon. Icon 3 is too grungy and it is hard to distinguish the subject of the icon.
#2 the second two icons are well done, the third is kinda dull but the coloring is pretty, but the first icon is a little dark
#3 the second two icons are pretty but it was the first one I didn't like so much, it was a little dark and the text takes away from the pretty image
3: images are all way too dark, makes icons look forboding, not eye-catching.
2: while they all are really pretty with great coloring, they're just that, nothing really makes them stand out. there are no real points of interest.
set 3 - compared to the other two set I think the Icons are a little too dark and the coloring is dull. Also the text user isn't the best...
set 2 - although the coloring of the third Icon is awesome, I think the coloring in these is just a little dull, there is a little contrast or something missing
#1 The people on the rounadbout/thingy are too blurred and look like smudges. The colour is also very bright and makes it hard to see the image clearly. The third icon is too blurred.
#3 all icons are dark and last one is blurry

challenge #2, winners

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