Challenge #6 - Winners

May 23, 2008 15:43

I've recived a lot of votes, thank you very much.
And here are our winners for Challenge #6.

<<< selenespain third place >>>
with 6 votes

<<< xqueen_mab the runner up >>>
with 9 votes

<<< lihana Last Icon Maker Standing >>>
with 12 votes

Congratulations to everyone!

xqueen_mab // banner
selenespain // banner
lihana // banner

Part #1:
#1 - Though the "believe" text was unnecessary, I like the colors and the general feel/mood of the icon.
01 - colouring is stunning, very pretty warm colors ans tiny text doesn't distract attention
#2 - The coloring is superb and the image quality is good.
#02 - The colouring is gorgeous; however, mostly because in the other two, there's a typo in one and the text doesn't match in the other one.
02 - well contrasted, colouring is very fitting, good use of texture
#03 - nice positioning of the text and use of textures.
03 - Lovely coloring, good text placement.
3 - the coloring/texture use is just GORGEOUS. it is a really beautiful icon
3 - original, love the colors, good ballance
Part #2:
01 - colouring very natural, enhances the image
#01 - Nice central cropping and classy effects.
01 - colouring is stunning, very pretty warm colors ans tiny text doesn't distract attention
#02 - lovely crop.
2 - great text. it's very unique and the coloring is really nice too
2 - great design, love how the font slides down, great coloring
02 - Nice coloring & nice texture on the side
#2 - The text placement is creative and the coloring is great.
#3 - Very dreamy icon :D Love the coloring and the texture use.
Part #3:
1 -just stunning, sends clear message, amazing coloring
01 - good use of font and lighttexture, well cropped
02 - Good crop & nice text placement
02 - good colouring and textures use, creative cropping
#2 - Creative text again and nice texture use.
3 - the coloring is really nice and the image is unique and different
#3 - Don't really like any of the icon but, I have to choose. This one has decent coloring though the crop makes it hard to make out the image...
#03 - Colouring and effects and breathtaking, and it's such an unusual shot.
#03 - very bright coloring.

Congrats to everyone one more time.

challenge #6, winners, banners

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