Challenge #6 - Round #9 - Birmingham - Results

May 08, 2008 17:15

I'm really sorry, but we have to say good bye to this following participants.


by rebelstrike21 with 7 votes

People's choice:

by lihana with 5 votes

Voting Tally
If your icon number is not listed here, then it means that you have received no votes! Congratulations!


- = lesser quality vote(s)
+ = favorite icon vote(s)

- 5/5 participants entered round #9
- 2 reminders
- 7 people voted
- 1 eliminations + 1 people's choice + 0 mod's choice

#1 - The textures don't fit and the coloring is too yellow
#o1 - The coloring of the image is great but the use of textures+ text is not working very well. The text seems to be a wrong font-choice and oddly placed. The brush/ texture on top looks strange and too much.
01. there is so much going on in the icon, the text, the design at the top, it's too busy
#01 Texture distracts from the actual picture, the text is a little pixelled
#1 - Too blockish, change between background and insert too abrupt, not fluid enough.
#1 because the picture is too tiny and not cropped nicely...the coloring is also not very pleasing to the eye
01 - colouring isn't good, cuz eveything is yellow and it's hard to understand what this icon is about. Also white text is too heavy and distracting and black background is very simple and needs more contrast, cuz it's look pale by contrast with colored small image
To keep:
03 - colouring is breathtaking and really fits icon. Awesme use of textures and light staines
4. because the textures accentuate the image and the coloring is interesting
#4 - Soft and unique colouring, appropriate effects, and good cropping. It's also a little unusual, which is good.
#04 Nice cropping and colouring, textures fit well the icon
04. pretty coloring and use of decoration
#o4 - Great coloring and use of text and texture fit in very well.
#5 - nice coloring and lovely use of textures

Good luck to everyone in next round.

results, challenge #6 - round #9

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