Oct 26, 2004 01:01
So I just voted via absentee ballot, and I was highly disappointed by my choice of nominees (haha like it's some award or something). Anyways after spending an afternoon with my Grandma, I've decided that in all her wisdomosity, that she should seriously be considered as a write in for your vote as persident. Here are the reason's why:
1. She's not afraid to fight back, and will use strength of kitchenware as missiles if necessary- a real leader doesn't need WMD, just spoons
2. She'd relate to women and minorities alike
3. She'd make everyone share there food, so no one would go hungry- there would be no "food wasting" in her administration
4. Free medication for one and all- she's even willing to sell her own pain medication for less- isn't that noble?
5. Everyone can call her Grandma instead of "Mr. President" making her more approachable and resonate with the "average Joe"
*An added bonus- I could be the leader in the house of interiors; they deal with curtains and stuff right?*