Aug 27, 2004 01:11
So two of my best friends have left me this week. Both in pursuit of higher education...well that's what they told me. I think that secretly one of them wants to smoke a doobie (NATE) and the other wants to become Catholic (JESSI). But I suppose college is a place for trying new things, even if they're without me...oh god that is so depressing, I can't believe that I just wrote that. But seriously, I've got like a month more to go, and I know that I shouldn't complain (but the world is full of complainers, including yours truly, so I shall continue this rambling thought)however I really don't know what I'm going to do without all of my high school friends here. Not only shall I become more lazy (which would truly be a feat for me) my boredom will consume me like a Crystal upon a helpless pie.
Speaking of pie, I was over at Tessa's house the other day watching Spongebob (classic tv viewing) when in the episode I was watching, Spongebob and friends were being attacked by a giant King Jellyfish and Spongebob blew a huge pie-bubble to save them all, and a fish asked him:
Fish: why did you blow a bubble of a pie?
Spongbob: well, because everyone likes pie!
Truer words have never been spoken from sponge, underwater creature, or otherwise. So maybe if all of this loneliness is setting in due to the fact that my friends are leaving, if I just blow bubbles and think happy thoughts, there will be a pie in my future as well.