Weekday Update!

Jan 27, 2005 09:41

I know I haven't written anything about what I have been doing in the past couple of weeks, so I decided to compile a list of "Things That I Have Done":

1. Started an internship with WashPIRG (Washington Public Interest Group), and am Publicity and Donations leader of the nation wide annual Hunger Cleanup (held on April 9th, we gather around 100+ people to go to planned events to help out the homeless community. I am also getting 2 credits for doing this...

2. Helped organize the UW walk out on January 20th to protest the inauguration. We walked out of our classes at 12:00 and gathered in Red Square, then we marched around the UW campus singing and chanting (1,2,3,4 we don't want this racist war! 5,6,7,8 stop the killing stop the hate!) Later we all boarded two metro buses and took them up to Seattle Community College on Capitol Hill, and met up with schools all around Washington and even Oregon. Then we marched down to Westlake Center, and way later, we marched down the the court building It was awesome.
*Did anyone see me on TV or in the newspaper??!! I was interviewed twice by 2 papers, and like 3 helicopters were following us the whole time!

3. Started helping out at ROOTS (Rising Out Of The Shadows) a homeless youth shelter that's right by the UW Bookstore

4. Writing a paper on prostitution

5. Forgot my mother's birthday

6. Wished Lauren well, as she left for god-knows-where-her-college-is-located

7. Got drunk and went to Neighbors (the gay club on Broadway) with some friends (some were gay, others were straight)

8. More or less likely am flunking Math 111

Hmm, I guess I can say that I'm not wasting my time in college...
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