Is Fangirling/boying hereditary?

Nov 23, 2008 14:32

I was thinking about this the other day, and wish I had thought about this a couple years ago because I so would have tried to do a psychology paper on it.

The question being, is being a fanspaz hereditary?
Or is it more, can you be predisposed to fanspazzing over certain things because of your families past? Does you family have addictive tendencies? Did you grow up in an environment that promoted becoming major fans of certain things?

Example. I fangirl things, I'm not as bad as I used to be (thank god), but I do get readily addicted to shows, and sometimes secretly slash characters.

My mom happens to be a fangirl in disguise as well, I'm pretty sure she would do the happy skippy jump thing constantly (she does with a lot of things), but she things she is too adult for that.

What is she a fanbrat of?
-Star Trek
-Silver Surfer
-Egon (from Ghostbusters... I found this out the other night at dinner... we were talking about the upcoming Ghostbusters game, and she said 'Egon was so totally the cutest!')

I've tried to explain slashing to her, but she is easily repelled by that kind of thing (she'd be the kind of girl that would write Mary Sue fics... that she understands, but she doesn't see the appeal that some people have for wanting to write/draw characters in pairings that aren't canon, and are usually of same sex relationships).

Now, considering that my mom fangirls things, she has also never been one to really put me down for becoming a fan of something. When I really got into House she respected it and watched next to me, and we'd debate on the show during commercials... or when I'd learn the theme song of an anime she thought it was funny. She's always been supportive of me going to conventions, or helping me make cosplay costumes (because I'm not allowed to touch her sewing machine).

Because of this It's hard to tell if my fangirl attitude is nature or nurture. Was this something in my hereditary that I get from my mom? Or because I saw her fangirl things, or squee over the Silver Surfer, did I adapt to that idea of thinking?

Addiction also runs in our family to a absurd degree. It is either alcohol, drugs, or something like body modification (piercing, tattoos). Is being a fangirl another form of addiction, and that is why it is so easy to fall into?

So what about you? I have fans on my f-list.
-Did your home life promote fanspazziness?
-Were your parents fans of things and you think it is something in your genes?
-Is the idea of this completely absurd? And you are the only person if your family to become a fanbrat?

Gods I'm going to be dissappointed when no one comments.

addiction, genes, heredity, fandom

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