Apr 15, 2010 12:45
Okay, I guess this is a rant, it happened when I was watching Family Feud, a woman pulled out a picture of her son and she was asked, 'how old is he', and she responded with '15 months'.
Okay... why do people do that? I don't quite understand that, the kid was obviously a year old, and then some. So why does she have to say it in months? I don't go around saying that I am 311 months, it would sound stupid, and I think that it makes mothers sound stupid too. Okay, I full understand when the kid isn't a year yet... If the kid is only 4 months, and not even a year, it's understandable to call him that. But once you hit a solid year, cut the crap. I doubt that anyone besides you, and women with their overly fertile wombs needs to know the months your kid is. You'll never hear me ask how old a kid is if they look like they're under two years, because I don't want to hear you gush about the whole 'aww! he's __ months'. Unless someone so profound has just happened that explains why you are telling me his age in months, just shut the fuck up. Hey, if your kid starts doing algebra at 14 months, they by all means, gush and go on and on about how he is ONLY 14 months. But if your kid has been propped up by a teddy bear because he can't hold up his own large head in the fucking picture, don't go on about how he's 15 months.
I don't know why this bothers me so much, but I think I can contribute my overall crankiness to it. grrrrr.
stupid mothers,
ugly babies