Jul 03, 2009 18:11
When I first saw it I saw StirFry... the second time I saw it I thought it was a joke... the third time I was with someone else and I made fun of it.
Repeat the third time over and over again.
Then today I woke up... and it just... clicked.
SyFy changed it's name for a reason... the whole 'Imagine Greater'... it makes sense. Sci-Fi... for the longest time has been matched with robots, and aliens, and future things (like Gattaca ect...). Without meaning to it limits itself. But the rename is kind of like...
like it is letting go of the stigma that comes from being called Sci-Fi. It's not limiting itself to science fiction. It is Imagining Greater!! Get it!?!?! It is making it's own genre... all the futuristic, the fantasy, the horror! the action! Everything that is partially 'out there' is coming together.
SyFy has grown on me... bastard.