
Jun 30, 2009 00:37

I think the one of the things I hate more than mostly everything anything else really is being ignored. It's become worse as I got older. But when I ask someone a question, and I don't get an answer even though they OBVIOUSLY heard me... just ignore it... that really pisses me off.

Or when I ask a question online and it gets completely bypassed and people start talking about something else. I wouldn't mind if the answer was 'I don't know', I like to be acknowledged as something more then a bot or something. There is a living person at the end of this computer, it'd be nice if you remembered that.

Now... if I ask something and it isn't heard... yeah, I understand that, and I'll repeat myself. Hell... I zone out a lot, I just do, I can't help it... and when I am thinking really hard about something I have a bad habit of not paying attention. But I don't listen to someone... to every single word they say... and then decide to ignore them. It's rude, and it's fucked up. So when it is done to me, yeah, I get pissed off.

What brought this on?
Several things, but most recently it was a question asked in a shout-box, on a story archive site. I asked a question, it wasn't a difficult one, but one I couldn't find an answer to, and I hoped that someone would help me. I waited two days for an answer, and there was no one in the c-box. Then finally I come home today, and check the site to see that someone posted new stories, and I was happy, glad that someone finally noticed that I had asked something... but they hadn't... they had completely ignored me. Not even an 'I don't know' or a 'I don't have contact with that author'. Nothing, I was glossed over. So I said 'thank you for ignoring me' and went on my way... to post here.

Now, that may seem like nothing... but earlier this week I was in a dA club chatroom... and there was a mini rp going on (it was a Nobodies battle... ... caused by my character actually). My character was a coward, and hid, but sent his lesser nobodies to fight... I mean, really fight. I was completely ignored... and then when the battle was over, my character wanted to know why the hell it started (he had been talking about why Tarot was an unreliable source of telling the future, and then schooled the 'tarot reader' girl when she pulled the death card on him and said that it meant he was going to die... and I said... actually... the death card means change, and while that change might mean death, there was no way she could actually predict it through a card that meant CHANGE... and her companion started choking him!... now the companion was rp'd by the same girl... and I think I pissed her off and she decided to take it out on mine). But he wanted to know what was going on, why it all happened, and if they were afraid of hearing another point of view. Instead of something like 'can you stop now' or 'I don't want to rp this anymore'. They have no response to my character.


Put that on top of the fact that I am not as happy as I have ever been in my entire life... make for a very bad mood me... and a whining post.


ignored, real life, fandom

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