May 15, 2009 23:54
huh... I was thinking about something, actually I was watching a preview for the movie 'Drag Me To Hell' (I think that is what it is called) (Yay! Horror!!)
anyway. The premise is actually that this old Babushka wearing woman comes into a loan office, and says 'can you help me?', obviously looking lost and confused. The woman (who the movie is about) says that she is sorry, but she can't extend the loan, and sends her on her way. The old lady decides to curse her, and blah blah blah, hell... demons... evil... awesome.
I watched this and I went 'huh', because I realized something about myself (and this movie), that it is more or less based on the Beauty in the Beast idea, of not turning away those in need (though to be honest, the woman probably missed payments, and there was a big huge notification on the account saying no) and receiving something good in return.
If it had been me, I would have explained what was going on, and then probably gotten my supervisor to try and help her out (or even would have extended it). I think I suffer from a BatB Syndrome, with a strong tie to karma. If I do something nice for someone I will get nice in return, if I do wrong... I deserve the bad.
It happens where I work... I make sure to always be nice to customer, and roll coins if I have too much, and make sure that I ASK if there is anything I need to do for them before I sign out. Nobody else does this for me, they basically leave as soon as I get there, sometimes without a goodbye either (I find goodbye's or 'see ya laters' very important to me. It is the strange idea that if someone doesn't say goodbye, that they are mad at me, or they don't care... it feels rude to me, like they can't even find it in themselves to say goodbye to someone when they leave). But the point is, I treat people at work how I would like to be treated, but for some reason no one returns the favor.
I believe that I am the product of the Disney movie 'Beauty and the Beast', on some level I actually believe that one day I WILL encounter the sorceress wrapped in the garb of someone I would not very much like. If I treat them badly I will get serious bad in return, if I treat them well then I will get great good in return.
There has been only a handful of customers that have ticked me off to the point of me actually getting mad at them, and speaking with less then personable tones.
1. A guy came in when I was working third shift, and wanted change for a $100. He wouldn't buy anything, and he wanted singles and fives (not even any 10s). I told him I could give him 20s, like $60, then two 10s, a five and ones. He got pissed off at me, saying that he WANTED CHANGE. I told him I couldn't, because I only have $125 in my drawer when I start, and at night I only make about $80 before I change drawers ($50 at most of cash!). I asked him why he needed it, 'I'm going to the city'. And I apologized again, and said I couldn't, 'well this is messed up! I want change now!' Finally I snapped, and in front of other customers said 'then get it somewhere else because I'm not going to give you any! What city are you going to that you can't get effin' change?!?!?!' (oh yeah, he had also gone on about how John gives him change (and I know for a fact John doesn't)).
2. A guy who came in the morning and went for coffee... I actually told him which wasn't fresh, and what I had JUST MADE. He goes 'it's no problem', and I DID say that if he waited a minute I could make him a new one, of whatever he wanted... 'it's no problem'. So thinking it was alright, I just waited. He makes his coffee, adds in cream and sugar, takes two steps away from the counter, takes a sip, and promptly spins around and spits it out into the trash 'it's cold!' 'yes... you probably picked one that wasn't fresh.' 'it's cold!!!!' 'the Columbian, Decaf, Cinnamon Hazlenut, and Banana Hazlenut is all fresh' 'just wanted you to know it's cold' 'I know it's cold... was there a different kind you wanted?' 'no it's no problem... which one isn't cold' I tell him again, with a weird look on my face. He chooses a hot one this time (one that was made less then 10 minutes ago), adds cream and sugar, takes a sip and says 'oh... well this is better... it's not very hot though', and then starts to walk towards the counter.
Now... when he said that, I didn't call him a lier... why would I? In fact I rushed out from behind the counter, and went to the coffee, he immediately looks surprised and I explain that sometimes the hot water for a pot system doesn't heat up properly, and I open it up immediately, only to see steam billow out. This is when I give him a look.
and he pointedly does NOT look at me, runs up to the counter, slams the money on it, and rushes out.
This guy parks in the handicap spot, and hops in his vehicle and drives off.
This wasn't this bad... sure he lied (gods I fucking hate liars), but Thursday when John comes in, he goes off on me for NOT having hot coffee, and I was like O_O and he's all 'yeah, this one guy came in complaining about you.' and my response, 'that asshole.' To which John laughed, and I explained what happened, and John told me to take down all the old pots when I start making new coffee.
I start doing this, and the guy comes in, and now he can't get anything BUT hot coffee.
But now I go into the back so I don't talk to him, assface.
Guess who is STILL complaining about lack of hot coffee.
That fucker!
And now he is telling John that he isn't coming in when I work... which is a lie, because I see him! Liar!!! I told John that he can 'sit on it and rotate'.
John laughed.
But that brings me back to my point of karma and the BatB Syndrome. There is a small part in the back of my mind that wonders if one of those two men was testing me, and I failed.
Then I remember that the sorceress was a female in the movie, and I don't feel so bad. ^_^
real life,