No subject title today.

Nov 21, 2005 18:01

Sunday was a great day!
I hadn't been to churhc in like 3 weeks because of the youth retreat, then my trip, then last week I helped in Children's church.
I missed it. It was nice. :)
The songs we sing in choir always get stuck in my head. I love them. I was singing them today. I'm a nerd.
Today was fun.
Our classes were super short though, because today and tomorrow, at the end of the day we get to watch the guys and girls basketball team play each other for an hour and a half.
It's a fundraiser for basketball.
It's a nice way to have short classes, and alot of my friends play, so it's neat. :)
Tomorrow is the Faculty/Student Player game. It should be interesting?
I ate sour skittles today, they make my mouth hurt.
After a while, they get too sour.
Anyways, I don't have much homework today. It's nice. :)
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