So, there is definitely less Brian/Howie material than any of the other guys. I actually had a hard time finding pictures of them together. My theory is that the two shortest Boys aren't allowed to stand next to each other, but anyway, just warning you that this is going to be a small post. I almost thought I wouldn't have a video to post for Brian day, but the awesome
brian_weekly posted this one a few days ago. And I am reposting because it is awesome!
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There may be fewer pictures of Brian and Howie together, but they are
definitely the funniest...
Hard at work. Well, Howie is anyway...
Pretty sure this is from one of Howie's birthday parties, but wow; I have a feeling they used to torture this kid. lol
Babies! lol Wow, how they have grown up...
Looking rather stylish!
Howie trying to look badass, Brian being a twit...actually this hasn't changed much.
Not feeling the scarf, but their smiles, most definitely!
Are they the cutest Backstreet runts or what?