Quick Sam/Dean drabble, season 2, just a passing thought

Jul 18, 2014 11:19

Title: Really, Don't Give Yourself Away
Ship: Sam/Dean, of course
Rating: gen
Warnings: hell

"Give him back" he said, and hell stormed around them. "You have no claim on his soul, he gave it to me first".

The demon looked him up and down, unconcerned. One of those new gay humans, if the muscles were any indication, come to claim his husband. "Kid," she said, and there was kindness in her voice along with the menace. "Even if he is yours, it's only 'till death parts you'. And that will be taken care of in the next few minutes. So you and us - we've got no conflict here".

"Oh", he said, his mouth curling up in something that was not a smile, and adjusted his grip on the axe. "we're not married. He's my brother. He'd never make a stupid promise like that".

[notes]Notes: was just thinking about how marriage is commonly considered the strongest possible bond... like there couldn't be anything stronger or better... or different...

sam/dean, relationship things, relationship negotiations, fic, wincest

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