Turns out my dealing with writing ATM means taking a break and listening to some awesome podfic. Which leads to recs! So glad Applegeuse made this first podfic, and that I followed the author to these other two. So sweet.
Rec: This is fantastic. My battery stopped working after maybe an hour, and I'm pretty sure I actually exclaimed "no!". This is somehow both fun and heartbreaking, disturbing. The reading felt warm and fond filled with humor and affection, slipping in and out of the character POVs smoothly, in a way that made it easy to just be sucked in. Classic fic. If you're downloading it and taking it with you, get both now. You'll want the sequel too. [It reminded me of (spoilerish)]It reminded me of the time I showed GF Buffy, finished season 5 late at night, then ended up driving half an hour to rent the DVD of early season 6, cause despite her protestations - she cared .
Treat Her Like a Lady Author: causeways Reader: lavishsqualor Author's Summary: You can never tell when a conversation with a really smokin' woman is going to come back and bite you in the ass. Dean gets cursed into dating Sam. Rec: *So* cute! Pleasant, smooth reading. Happy, fun fic, like I needed today. Though warning for anything you'd expect from curse fic, in a mild PG-13 way IMO. Kinda... sweetly romantic for a moment there. Sorta. Excerpt: [This made me giggle twice.]Sam ignores Dean the whole next day. He answers in single words or grunts, but he won't look Dean in the face, and it's fucking stupid, is what it is, because it's not like Dean wanted his cock to twitch right then; it's not like it was because of Sam-or okay, say it was because of Sam, but that's the curse thinking Sam is a woman. Dean loves women, all kinds of women, loves their breasts and their pussies and their long, soft hair, loves to fuck them from behind while they brace against the Impala and Dean reaches around to grab Sam's cock-
Alligator Alley Author: causeways Reader: teaatsix Author's Summary: In which there is a devil alligator, a t-shirt gets destroyed and Dean is maybe a little pudgy Rec: This is adorable. I was sure it was current canon, and I was thrilled that someone was writing the boys like this for now, but no! It's futurefic from 2007! *gapes, impressed* It's just adorable. Happy cute bit of fic. The reading and music are fun, and IDK, it just sounds like such a loving reading to me...